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Show ; H VALUE OF vV H EAT. Q.dte an obj-ct le-son is present-el present-el in the pricu of i licut , but alii, al-ii, 1 s on is plain to those whose -yos a:o not blinded by prejudice, many are unable to read between he iines and see the real status of the case. During ths ltet fiftetn , ..is heat has fallen in price about r,U cent in Euro; e and about 40 ori- c- t in America. Tariff can nave nothing to do with it for free tr.:d- Ei gland and protected Atuer-1, Atuer-1, a are alike suffei ers ; and the Eng-; Eng-; li, i'a'.nier unites with ids Aaeri- ,.,n i roilier in bewailing bard times Kmaneiers are using various arguments ar-guments to -how ihe cause of the 'ecline a:d very ingenious they are in t.yina to show up their theories, i'r.i i.snor.acion is cheaper, and ma-o'dmrv ma-o'dmrv i;ives the farmer the advan-tai advan-tai hence he is able to produce it eV.'p Oi's the common argume-but argume-but to cvmer-balance that factor uag's are higher. Besides if the firmer can produce it cheaper, he -houl l be in as good circumitances t 1 day, as he was twenty yars ago, but as a matter of fa t,he is muoh poorer, and the same result is foniid in both countries. The farms, are pas-ing out of th" possession of tlu f.irmtr, land is falling in price-bankruptcy price-bankruptcy is becoming common am or. s farmeas where before it was unknown. Ajainif the cost of producing v. heat has fallen 50 per cent the cost of producing iron, silver, wool cotton etc, have not fallen that not fallen that much, but the prices have. Whichever wy they turn tlnre is something to knock their arguments out. Like Dm Quixote th?y are fighting windmills and are meet: Eg defeat. There is one argument that cannot can-not ha assailed, It is simple because be-cause it is true, anyone can undei-stand undei-stand it because it is simple. Twen-t' Twen-t' years ago England and the United Unit-ed States demonitized half of their money, making the other half do doubli duty. This of itself would give it twice its value, or in other wi.ros commodities would decline 50 per cent. The debts of tne country coun-try we;e thus doubled. Stringency iu the manov markeo followed, i.riM'iit. in its tram bankrupcy, 1 t ) c i l lxial mi. r;.-is. 1 his bnons us down to I 'i.e i!.:--. nt lime and gives the key i 'o iv :;on. 1 nereis no part of i toe p oi, in nut in accord wuh this j 1 t r jk at ! 1 that I ) y 1 1 ere. i 1 nere is an eld saying : " hen a 1 n tt c 9 of :ted'' I t 1 cover I c I 1 f the I t tt case, rest j oiin-.t'ivds. c wi.l. hae to prepare 1 r our- nake ness, 1 I lei el t r '""' i ' we remove the c 11 be 1 1 r i l j e our - It t oy in prise 1 tl e o'e- , t f i will O only 1 t j 1U )0mr I 1 r tl intry I |