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Show He did not go to prospect bat as he say?, 'more for an out" we guess he got the "out," j Mr. Thomas fiiggs who some time ago If ft here for a visit to New Y-ik returned re-turned today. He travelled a distance of nearly four and a half thousand miles and enjoyd his trip very much-Hh much-Hh father is still hale sne hearty al' LiiOuh over a hundred years old. Mr' Hixgs finds things mnch changed, and like tho birds. "Nought looked the s.uue save the nests they built." The weather is colder than it has been for thirty years. He left Ctica a week as-o, visiting Chit ago and the world's fair. He says the Utah building is a neat iittle bui dine, and will be no disgrace to the territory. Notwithstanding his pleasant trip ha was giad to get home t,-ice more for he says there is nothing like home. LOCAL BRIEFS- Connty Court Monday, City Ceuncil Monday night. Sheriff Burns has gone north on business, The skating rinkatGiiers hali is i fall blast. Ward Stevenson will return home tomorrow. to-morrow. Two tonghs escaped from the county jail Tuesday night. Mrs. Effis Foot la visltiag her friends In the Temple city. The February term of the district eoirt opened yesterday. Provo is making another attempt to stablUh a canning factory. San, Joan pilgrims are daily going north disgusted and dead broke. Walt Stringham Is once more in town and will stay just one week. Since the failure of Conn Bros, many of the Salt Lake firms are in a tottering -condition. John S. Blain came down from Spring City yesterdny and returned this morning. The Civil government class, the A, '0. U. W. and the Tilden Club all meet on Satnrday. Next Tuesday evening the regula conjoint meeting will be held Bt the Tabernacle. A shooting gallery nas openea np in the building formerly occupied by the board of trade saloon. Moroni has repealed their curfew law and are now trying to sell their bell to the ecclesiastical board. Roeienstone Bros of Mt. Pleasent are celling out at auction. They intend lea-Ting lea-Ting for Kew York In a,month. MrsIYVestfall and her husband are visiting Manti The cermony was performed perfor-med in Salt Lake City Wednsday. The dance at Griers hall Wednesday night nnder the auspices of the North TYard primary associaiion was a grand saecess. A table of onyx is being prepared at Provo for exhibition at the world's lair. The slab weighs a thousand poinds. The World's Fair dance was a success financially and socially, One of the best this season was the unanimous verdict. Arthur Parsons is rejoicing over the advent of an eight pound boy, who arrived early Satnrday morning father and mother are both doing well. The Moroni Co-op took stock this week and the result showed that they have beea keeping np their standiDg nd are able to pay as large a dividend as ever, Several new stores have been erected in Moroni lately. A batcher shop, a harness shop aad a general merchandising merchan-dising establishment are among the number. There will be a temperance meeting consisting of recitations and songs, at the Presbyterian church, Thursday evening. February 9th, at 7:30 o'clock. All are cordially invited. We have on hand a full line of legal blanks and can famish them at lower rates than they ean be bought for elsewhere. else-where. All of them have been prepared by a good lawyer, and are np to date. Send in yonr orders. County Clerk Reid issued marriage llsonoes to the following named Jcandi--. dates for wedded bliss, Jaeob Smith and Henrietta Livingston, Jas Bruls-field Bruls-field and Helen Bigley, Leon C Alreed and Edna C, Manfield. The Taylor Dramatic Co played at Griers hall last Monday evening to rather a slim audience. The company ii one of the btst that has ever visited u. and those who attended the perfo-mance perfo-mance went a way highly satisfied. These heavy steel rails that have been laying piled up at Thistle for so . long, and that has caused a great deal of guessing as to what they would be used for. are now being laid on this line and as there are more than enough to reach to Salina, it is probable that a southern extension of this branch is contemplated. As was to be expected, many of the San Juan prospectors are reiurniog dis-gnsted. dis-gnsted. Nothing else was to be expected The snow Is too deep for much work and many men have gone there without preparing pre-paring themselves for the trip or for an extended etay It takes time to prospect, and experience is a rood thing to take aloag. Notwithstanding the bad report s from San Joan there is gold in the country and some plncky miner will lake a nice stake there yet. Mr, Jensen of Mt. Pieasent arrived hire yesterday from the San Jaun country. He says everybody Is leaving with the exception of a few men who are hanging around the Henry mountains mount-ains awaiting spring, when they will begin prospecting. Mr. Jensen went down with the intention of looking np a beef market bnt was disappointed In that regard. He says every one who went down with soppiies were glad to sell them at wuat they cost in Sanpete. |