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Show IMPOETANT When in the City take your meals at 3?opular R.estaurants. THE Saddlerock, No. 219, AND- Arcade No. 217 Main St. Berets Doan 8. Co., props. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. - v " j Kwestc... I ; -Vv wCv - v ) LOCAL TIME TABLE. No. 5 No.g Pass- 51TATI0N3. Pi enger eager 5:30 A SiltLrke Ly 9 Co 511 Franklyn 9 18 5 04 Bingham Junction 9-5 1 62 Draper 9 37 4 42 Jordan Narrows 9 48 4 27 Halstfad 100 4 28 Lehi 10 61 4 20 American Fork 10 10 4 13 Battle Creek 10 17 5 52 Provo 10 35 3 39 Sprlngville Junction 10 SO 8 28 Mapleton 11 02 3 10 Castilla Sorings 11 19 3 00 Thistle Junction 11 30 2 33 Asphalt 11. S2 r m- 2 20 Nebo 12 11 1 57 Indianola 12 3c 1 2S Hill Top 12 04 1 16 Milbnrn 1 16 I 00 Fairriew 1 32 12 38 &. Pleanauc 1 hi 12 20 . Spring City 2 11 A. M. II 50 EDhraim 2 41 1126 MANTI 24 11 10 Sterling JO 10 50 Gnnnison 1 36 10 S5 Willow Creek S 54 10 15 Lv Salin. Ar 4 15 D. C. D0D8E, A. E. VVELBT, Gen'l. Mgr. Gen'l. Sopt. J. H. BENNETT, G.P. T. A ft 1 & a $3 $ I U 1$ ht Us ft Q) Looking for the " y People's Equitable Co-op Assn. & (next to Zion's Savings Bank) . & TEAT'S THE PLAGE TO BUY g. Clothing, Mens', Ladies' I & Childrens Shoes ? - Complete Assortment of f DW 600D, I0?I0IS S " Do not fail to Yisit them when in Salt Lake City. Their pricen S -H are aways down. Prices furnished on application. 2. 8 H. J. Foulger, Supt. 1 O. Arnistrono;. J- Leading Wholesale Jobber of Seeds7Hay7Grain7FlourFee ill 474 -W, SECQSS S2DIB ST2SS7, SALT LASS CUT, mi Storage for the accommodation of Farmers, telephone no. WE TELL YOU nothing new when we state that it pays to engage in a permanent, most healthy and pleasant business, busi-ness, that returns a protit for every day's work. Such is the business we offer the workins; class. We teach them hew to make money rapidly, and guarantee every one who follows our instructions faithfully the making of too 00 a month. Every one who takes hold now and works will surely and speedily increase their earnings ; there can be no question about it; others now at work are doiug it, and you, reader, cau do the same. This ia the best paving business that you have ever had the oaauco'to secure. You will make a grave mistake if you fail to give it a trial at once. " wilTdirectly uud yourself in"a mstprospe'rou ' business, at which you can surely make aud save large sums of money. The results of only a few hours' work will often equal a week's wages. Whether you are old or youug, man or woman, it makes no difference, do as we tell you, and success suc-cess will meet you at the very start. Neither experience or capital necessary. Those who work for us are rewarded. Why not write to-day foi full particulars, free ? E. C. ALLKM & CO., Box No. 440, Augusta, Me, MANTI TIN SHOP. ROBERT VVITMER, PROP. Manufacturer of Zin anb Copper XUare, -Roofino, an& Guttering, etc. Soldering anbSTRepadng'one irt Sbortmotice KEEP3 ON HAND A FULL LINE OUT STOVES TINWARE AND CDTLERY. OF ErERI DISCIRPTION. Oroers b? fBaU promptly Httenb to. MAIN STREET . . . fciANTI. manti city Capital Stock - 150,000 Srjrus - - J10.000 BISECTORS L. T. Tuttle, President. H. J. Christsnskn, Vics-Prest. Albert Tdttle, Cashier, Peter Dsbeno Asst Cashier J. B. Maibsn, Jamas Crawford Jr., Wi. G. Crawford, Jas. Metealf. Transacts a General Banking siness. Receives depoaitB payable on demand Five per cent paid oa saving deposits. fiwprwf Vault. Safe Absolutely Burglar Proof, Money to loan on Real Estate, City md Farm Properly and othsr approved eeurity. jjflB C-TMtn. and Trad-Uarks obtain., and ill Pat- J cot bunaesa conducted for modchatc Fife. S Oun Orr.cc i Oppositc u. 8. Patcnt Ornccf and we can secure pa twit ia leu lima than Uise remotafrom Washington. 1 Sacd modal, drawing or photo,, with deacrip. tioa. We advlie, if pa too table or not, fr lt charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. 1 A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Pateat," with eost of sam a In the U. 3, and foreign couotxleei seat free. Addreu, i C.A.Gr0V&CO. - Muoic Palace. Sola igents for the WORLD EENQVNED &c avrvvv, cai wolv. AND THE UNEQTJALED oS tW& WaW, We carry everythin? necessary for the oonduCtine of a FIRST CLASS MUSIC BUSINES. aud PRICKS. CS-TSEND FOR CATALOGUES. 45 and 47 W. First Soi.m Street, - SALT LKE CITY. i isui '1 1 '.. j |