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Show TERRITORIAL TOPICS. The wather is extremely cold all over the territory. The citizens of Salt Lake have petition! peti-tion! d the city council of that city to enact a clrfew law that will enable the police to arrest ah boys and girls nnder fifteen years found on the street after 9:30 p, m. Good idea if they enforce it-Salt it-Salt Lake city is waking np to the nn I poriance of having a mining congress Utah asphaltum will be n?ed to pave the streets of Buffalo, Jacob B. Blair of Salt Lake city has been appointed probate judge in place of Bartch. Mr, Blair has served on ths Supreme bench of Wyoming for twelve years. The inmates of the penitentiary are being treated to a concert every Saturday Satur-day afternoon. Freeman Rollins of Paradise, Cache Co., was found dead in a canyon near Paradise where he had gone to get a loir. The log apparently rolled over hnu breaking his neek and jaw. List Friday while Len Harweod and Richard Taibot were wrestling the former for-mer was thrown in Bach a manner as to severly hurt his ankle, At first it was thought to be only a sprain but becoming becom-ing very sore and swolen a physician was called to examine the Injury and found the left leg to be broken just .above the ankle Pyramid. A fracas occured at the postoffico today to-day in which Jesse McCauslin and a Frenchmaa were the participants. The latter called for and was handed a lotter a letter which was opened ty mistake. He asked the postmaster who opened it and he retused to tell Words ensned and then Jesse slappsd him in the face and followed that up pulling a gun and ordering him out f the office. A complaint has been sworn out and both parties will have to an-awer an-awer betore a justie on next Thursday at 5 o' P, M for disturbance. Dispatch |