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Show PROVO STEAM LADNDY." FELT & GREGORY Agents. flDantt TOorft Sc3UlcrcJ at ftrocie prices. MANTI, - - UTAH. S. K. KIHCi LAWYER. Office in National Bank of Ooimnerce BluUl'g PROVO, . - UTAH. A. D. CASH, Bttorneat3Eaw. Room 15 Bank Building, PROVO, CITY, UTAH. THE mAMTl GROCERY . CARRIES A FULL LINE OF- . " -AND j" , I Headquarters For ! Utah anil California ; ', ! Early Grown Vn'SiS-fl :. Fruits and Vegetables ( . Free Delivery to any Part of the City. . j Sentinel Block, Manti, ; - - Utah. HttomessatXav. Lock Box 336. PROVO, CITY, , . - TTAH. USD VAJf. . XDRUGGISTS I THE MANTI ROLLER MILLS JjOUIS F.' BECKER, Lessee. MANUFACTURER OF THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUR. Orders and Correspondence Soliolted Custom Work a Specialty. ?k Combines the juice of the Bine Fies of California, so laxative and liuirun."-, --. with the medicinal virtues, of pur i(. - jenown - to be most uenmc.Al t. - .human system . forrr.int; die ON L Pr. R-F R-F ECT REMEDY to act gently ye: cromptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS Cleanse theSystsmEffBGiually, PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH ;Naturally follow. Every one is usinf; it and all are delirhted with it. Ask your .druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manufactured Manu-factured only by the P CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., San Francisco, Cal. tov.svi'.i... Kv Kpv Vou.N- At t:to mouth of six mile Canyon. Zbe Onls ificsint in Central Utah Y!i-re the people can participate ia the grand sport and pleasures BOATING, BATHING, FISHING and DANCING, Base Ball Grounds! Race Track! ffitsb Class 130161 SccommoOatfona. Special Rates to Camping pate, J. Fielding will run a conveyance to and from the lake. ' 10ESLEY & CO Manufacturers of r ..' . vJlii iillGIi t We make the Lest QUALITY of Briok south of Provo and are prepared to lill Orders at any time and any quantity. flu ling the Season, Orders Received at Kiln. Three miles south of Manti on county road. - tjt ao! i fit ! THE The same firm which NEW 31 3"ears a8 com" pletely revolution-SlDnAlOR. revolution-SlDnAlOR. tne Threshing Machine trade hj inventing a new THE Threshing Machine, so much better VIBRATOR, than any machine before be-fore known, that all 3 thebnildersoftheold THE style Threshing Ma-N Ma-N E W chines stopped mak-U! mak-U! D O HTH D ing them and copied V1WAlUK-the new machines ; closely as they dared THE have now made an-NEW an-NEW er advance, and in their Kew Vibra VIBRATOR, tor present a Threshing Thresh-ing Machine contain-. contain-. ing entirely new f.-THE f.-THE tures in separation NEW and cleaning, which VIBRATOR pace 33 r auea ' of any other as the old Vibrator was ) THE ahead of the "End-less "End-less Apmn" ma-. ma-. NEW chines. Every rarm-VIBRATOR. rarm-VIBRATOR. and Thresherman should at once get full information re-the re-the 8ardirig tho HEW Jrw VIBRATOR, which will be sent Free on VIBRATOR, application to |