Show IN N TILE THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL L DISTRICT DISTRICT DIS DIS- I IN I A AND D 1 FOR COUNTY OF SANPETE STATE OF UTAH State of U vs Rachel P p. p Geary and Edward Ed L. L Geary and wife Christian Uan L. L Thorpe Jr and Julia Thorpe his rife Ue Leo L. L Christensen and Louise h Christensen an his wife defend defend- ants SHERIFFS SHERIFF'S S SALE SAJE UJo To bo be sold eoW at Sheriff Sale on the 10 d day y of or August A A. A D. D 1929 at 11 a a. a m. m at Ot the tho front door of oC the aunt Court House of or County Maull M HIU Sanpete County Count State of ot Utah h tho the following de- de property wit to Beginning at the tho SE Cor of the I E EU Ei of the NE NEVi V of or Sec 16 16 Town- Town hip 20 8 So R 1 E Er E. Salt Sail Lake Mor- Mor llan Itan Th W. W 40 0 th tb N. N 5 3 chao cha h. h E. E 40 0 ebB cbs th tb S. S 5 6 che to place f beginning containing 20 acres acre fi pore nore re or lees leea The 1116 NE NE 4 i of or the NE NEVi Ji of or Sec 9 t township 20 So R 1 E. E Salt Lake con containing 40 acres The NE NEVi 4 of or the NE NEVi 4 of sec Bec 9 township 20 So 80 R 1 E E. E. E Salt Lake containing 40 acres Containing Containing- In all 60 acres Also Allo shares of water right in inthe inthe the he Highland Canal Company together to to- ether gether with any and all water or water cater rights used on or in connection connection tion with the th above described lands Dated this 5 d day dar y of ot July A. A D. D 1929 Jas H. H Sanderson Sheriff |