Show Open er oo ks to o Best es Cattle Daily Dairy Associations Overlooking Overlooking Overlooking Over Over- looking Means of Improving Improving i ing Their Breeds Prepared by tho rho United Mates Department of ot Agriculture Dairy breed associations In the United d States are overlooking an Important important important im Im- means menns of or Improving their respective re re- c breeds In keeping their herd books clo closed cd to the many unregistered producing high cows of excellent type according to 0 E B. B Reed neeLI chief of the bureau of or dairy Industry United States Department of ot Agriculture Speaking before the annual convention convention conven conven- tion tIou of the Friesian associatIon association association tion In Philadelphia Mr Ir Reed Heed su suggested suggest suggest- gest- gest ed ell the desirability of ot the national breed associations giving some study to setting up tip a system of registry which will permit entering In the herd books unregistered animals that have reach reached ell a n high degree of purity for a high level of production Seems Like Rank Heresy Mr Heed admitted this sug suggestion might seem like rank heresy to those who have not thought the proposition through but hut he called attention to the fact that flint all cattle now registered sprang from the common herd Moreover More Mor over he cited figures showing the very cry slight sligh I difference existing between the production of unregistered and registered registered regis regis- tend commercial herds today 1 i Of cows tabulated by the bureau of or dairy lairy Industry were grades rades and und were registered The grades he lie said produced 71 4 pounds of milk and t pounds of hut hut- a n year on the average a while the registered cattle averaged n of ot milk and pounds of ot butterfat a n difference of only pounds of milk and 1 19 10 pounds of butterfat butterfat butterfat but- but in favor of the re registered cattle New System Is Favored There are many unregistered animals an nn- animals of great productive capacity and null excellent type In the United States today that could be made use of In our breeding operations with profit he said A system of ot registering register register- ing such animals has hns plenty of backing back back- lug ing und anti It can be genetically sound Great Britain Holland and other countries famous for their fine herds and flocks have haye used such a as s system stern In the past and still follow the practice of ot admitting animals that have three to five e top crosses of regIstered registered reg reg- sires In discussing the plan Mr Heed pointed pointe out that It would not mean an Immediate wholesale regIstration registration registration reg reg- of grade cattle If only three top crosses were required for the registration registration reg reg- of females and all first calves calyes in the crosses were females which Is Improbable he stated it would take ten years to get et a female registered In the herd hook |