Show Passes Bar Examination S. S J. J who Is employed In the Lewis Larson law lai office took the bar examination of the State of Utah last MarCh 1929 He was one of the three of twelve to pass the examination Ho He was was' admitted to practice July 10 1929 Mr has bad a college and law school education at the University o of Chicago For six months he be read la law la and acted as clerk clerIc in tho the law office of Wilson and Quincy Ill He HeIs HeIs Heis is a member of the Delta Theta Phi Law Law- Jaw Fraternity Mr arrived in Manti ManU October 29 1928 to enter the law office of Attorney Lewis Larson where he lie will continue to practice While attending high school at atI I I Quincy Ill he met Miss Margaret They rohey were ma married at Salt Lake last March The Tho young oung couple will continuo continue to make their home at Manti l |