Show Fishs Fish's Headstone I The purpose of ur the white stone like objects found In the rhe Interior of tile the lisles lisle's Mend head II has not nor been e very y y definitely lel determined mined but most nt ut the small bu buys boys who catch fish tish think these stones are ure luck lucky pieces und anti seek seek them for the mere purpose lse of pot pocket t pieces It Is IB generally that these stones stunes are ure In some sonic way connected with the rhe fish tish auditory faculties but bur according to ru anether another an un other lither theory they rhey belong to the Ush's fishs static sen sense e a term referring to the rhe complex process by means of which fishes are enabled to maintain ilum u In In to u tuter r er The file stones u are re almost ul milS entirely mineral compositions being soluble In weak eak acetic acid The They show sloW annular or ur periodic er rings 01 OJ growth t ro h. h somewhat r analogous to tn the tilt annular rings ring of ot trees and are aare frequently fre fre- frequently used to del determine ermine the age uge ol ul fishes |