Show AIA A.-A. r SECY PETERSON P MOVES t Y Yr r t S INTO ACTION V. V r y t The The he spirit manifest by Carrot Eater in his bis Eater last article as pub pub- pub pub- fished I he I In in r the h Messenger is a commendable commendable com con one but Its suggestions are are not re altogether practical It isan ifS is an an easy m mattes matter to talk about things I in 1 an abstract t manner and to la lay f down do g good principles principles pies for the guidance guidance guid guld- ance of other but it Is sometimes quite a different matter to apply i them to ones own self Support Support- in h nn d u support support-I b oats n 13 IS a principle e t that at has been advanced with pro- pro that has lias been advanced with prop- prop since Adam and Eve were made to earn their own o but there is 19 not a single institution in our midst that tha practices it In the operation of an any Y concern gene generally all the major effort is to in increase In- In crease Its f financial success success so that it will come as near maintaining itself as possible and make a profit if if f I It is s cr created d for that purpose In order to to do this it must create create a J product u t d desired by the public i iI in insufficient r I 6 sufficient s nt qua quantity to bring returns gr greater greatel- aler than outlay In other words words c create the the most for the least The management of th the Sanpete County Fair Fall has been actuated by two desires desires First to build up the Industries nd str es of or orth th the county by bringing products and produces together and thus stimulate competition in better production It is difficult to measure measure measure mea mea- sure success in this field as it is difficult to measure the actual value value value val val- ue that comes from education But we do know that since the fair was organized 16 years ago Sanpete has come to be known kno as tIbe he greatest center for rambouillet sheep in the world and the number of breeders i Ilias a hundred fold Some of that has come from the fair What we say about sheep can be said in some measure measure about every industry on the farm and Inthe in inthe inthe the home To measure the benefits In dollars is Impossible to appreciate ate the growth one must have been associated as with the fair tall from its beginning to see the tIbe development that has taken place The writer believes believe that the fair has done more to improve the quality of produce In the home on the farm and on the range than any other factor This el de development has been the movIng moving moving ing force that has bas attracted patriotic patriotic patriotic patri patri- otic citizens to give their time and their money to achieve success Itis It Itis Itis is a service like that of the teach teach- her often orten n not t appreciated gener generally general general- l 1 I ly misunderstood od The second concern of the fairis fair faJr is its finances To finance a fairIs fair fairis is Isi i a struggle From the simplest little community fairs to the great world fairs invariably have to be financed bY outside appropriation Generally those thoe who ho have haye lanced them have hav done so in in the knowledge knowledge knowledge know know- ledge that th they y w were re stimulating people to produce better and finer things When the problem of finance finance fin nn- ance has been a difficult one management management management man man- must necessarily resort to careful f financing in order to carry on The grave graveyard ard of fairs rails is crowded crowd crowd- ed where managements have not watChed their finances It ma may be news to Carrot Eater to know that in spite of the education education education tion value that comes through h fairs Cairs and ami expositions people do not attend Attend at attend tend for that purpose Carefully compiled states cs prove that only 15 per cent of fibs tilie people who attend attend attend at at- tend fairs fairs- go there to view the ex ex- entertainment entertainment entertainment entertain entertain- hibits They go to seek ment and they view the exhibits asa as asa a secondary consideration Gate re receipts receipts are large factors in financing admi admission on ar are e the fair and paid obtained only by providing appealing ap- ap I ap-I pealing entertainment That places against the the management up proposition of securing the best entertainment en en- at the lowest possible that something cost and yet have something Carrot will draw drawl the crowds I talent if It Eater suggests home borne read his last article correctly that tried and found wanting has h been heen It la Is not to be expected that any two persons will exactly agree as to but the best what is s the program gate receipts will show and the general gen- gen oral eral expression from the crowds will indicate and it is tho the voice of ot rather than that of tho the the mass individual that counts Three years ago local talent for Continued on 1 last S page i si Secy Peterson Moves Wisely Into Action I Continued from Page one I entertainment was used t last year I Ii Imported talent was used Three I years ago the cost for Cor local talent including music co coat st last II year these Items totalled j Three years cars ago local race rata horses 3 I 1 were used and the cost was last year car and local horses were used at a cost of ot The general report from the crowd last year was the best bost we have ever had l. l The he gate receipts were not so great but three years ago the Black Hawk swelled the gate gale receipts and the admission charge was lOc per person person person per per- son higher so that a proper com- com could artily be drawn AS to the concessions two things must be considered 1st the eat and drink stands These our local people can supply and they havo hayo always done so as much as the they desired and the preference has las been In their favor 2nd the rides said features of entertainment other than the races and the free ree attractions attractions attractions the local people cannot sup sun ply If H they could Che they Chey would be bo welcomed med and given first ity AS to the time free tree attractions In front of the grand stand has taught that singing akin pe-akin a and nel miniature performances are not suitable to large outdoor crowds too too few can hear and see them Those events Q must be on a large larg scale and either be bo high in the air airor airor airor or cover corer a large territory to satisfy t time the e crowds It is true truo the concesion concession conces conces- ion sion people make money if they did not they would soon go out of oC tic the business but they do not always slake make money and on more than ono one occasion the they have bave had haq to null Dull out because tho they could not make exP exp ex- ex P uses maca About crooked horse home hor racing if Carrot Eater can suggest sus-gest a n remedy remedy rem rem- r edy to prevent what he lie seems to think is b crooked his services will willbo bo ho in demand domand in the fhe greatest racing I fields fielOs in time the world at a salary nau many nany time greater great than he ho commands there here no matter how great it it To take advantage in horse racing is jut Just as common as I in n other walks of life and d' the imra prat is not confined confined confined con con- fined to any Carrot Ea Eater Eat Eai- er might be glad to know one local man was forever barred from racing racing rac rac- I ing on the local track h because of crookedness And yet et contrary tt tc I tho the inference there thero la is a surprisingly surprising surprising- ly Iy few of ot our races races that are not on the tho square I This article is already too long and whether it will Eater is not certain It la Is not I written primarily for his benefit but l I Imay rather to enlighten the many w who ho homay may have bave passed judgment on a I matter with which they are not I Just one more word and then thon we will close Their is a a. belief current current current cur cur- I rent among some folks who know I nothings about it that those who manage the the fair lair receive fat salaries I If such were the base case ase is it not rea- rea I to expect that that hat more people Ample would seek a position on the Hie board aa and l in the management The The fact tact is ia that these men have to be drafted draft draft- ed and no small amount of ot verau eion alon is required to get gel them to carry on A few years a ago o a number o of our people signed personal notes to the amount of to finance the fair which included the grandstand and new grounds The only y r reason OD ODthe the present management has stayed on so long is the reeling feeling that they hey owe it to these loyal loral citizens citizens' to help until that th-ai is carry carryon on debt v paid or at least materially r reduced Slowly but surely the debt is being wiped out S. S Peter Peterson Secretary Sanpete County Fair i |