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Show CITIZENS ATTACK : HOODED BAND ! ONE MAN NEAR DEATH AS RESULT RE-SULT OF GENERAL MELEE IN STREETS Illuminated Crowes Carried en Car In Procession to Meeting Place; Crowd Hecklea Members 'I ' Stubenville, O. One man near death and fifty are Injured as a re- suit of a spectacular battle in the streets of Stuebenville Wednesday ) night : Between 3000 citizens and 1O0 members of the Ku Klux klan were involved. The fighting is said to have been f an outgrowth of Tuesday's city pri. ' nrary election, in which four5 Jdan candidates were successful. The mob of citizens attacked the ? klansmen as they were coming out of a meeting hall shortly before mid. 1 night I Darwin L. Gibson, said to have f been watching the melee, was shot 4 end is not expected to live. ! The klansmen caused a stir when - they drove into town from Wier. ton, W. Va. They were in a caravan of twen. ty-five automobiles and carried 11. ; lumlnated crosses. The procession went direct to the klan meeting ! j place. A crowd soon gathered outside I the hall and began hecking the klansmen as they came out. The ! clasl( followed. Several member of the mob were said to have had tire. - arms, but they were armed largely with stones and clubs. 'a |