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Show The fact is the press has always been influential, even in the Savior's day. If you don't believe.it, read Mark 2:4, and see for yourself. UTAH THEATRE i i t SUNDAY and MONDAY, FEU. 3 and 4 t I "Cloven Tongues," 5 reels. Put he News. ! l.aml-Harold Lloyd comedy. t j TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY", FEB. 5 and 0 J I Theda Kara in Fox Standard "The Rose of 1 f Blood." Also a good comedy, t j THURSDAY, FEB. 7 j I "Vengeance and the Woman." "Tales of I J Two Cities," Wm. Farmiin. Red Cross night J - - , , i , ! Solid Comfort i That's what awaits you at I ROOSEVELT HOT SPRINGS f They're fourteen miles from Milford, in the I adjacent foothills, where the natural tem- t perature Is many degrees warmer than at Milford in the winter time. Excellent din- I ing room service. Comfortable beds. Hot I tub or plunge bathing. Delightful place for t rest or recreation. I Address P. B. McKEON, Prop. MILFORD, UTAH I J. B. TAYLOR j CLEANING J i DYEING I PRESSING I REPAIRING t i LADIES' AND GENTS' CLOTHING ALL WORK GUARANTEED j i j I McGarry Building, Main Street I I i Formerly occupied by Sam Cline i ,., i I Hotel Atkin j MILFORD, UTAH ! Rooms modern, spacious, well ven- I I tilated, luxurious. t I What a Guest Said "When you t I leave the Atkin, it will be with regret I ! tempered by fond anticipation for an I I early return." j PRICES REASONABLE t ...-...........-.................. Utah Transportation Company. Largest and best equipped Garage in Milford. f California Gasoline, wholesale and retail Ex- j I perts on storage batteries. ..We rebuild or re- I charge 'em. f AUTO STAGE IJXE TO BEAVER AND WAY I ..POINTS. I Machines for hire to all points day or night. j t HARRY LARSON, Mgr. Phone 62 j j All Auto Supplies. Repair Work j j Auto Stage Frisco-Newhouse Line 1 JACK SHERWOOD, Prop. ! Leaves Milford every morning for these fa- mous mining camps, returning in early evening. - i Carries passengers, mail and baggage ! Side trips anywhere j Beaver-Milford Auto Co. Milford, Utah j Chesley Barton Ezra Barton j FORD AGENCY j Cars for Hire I General Repair Work J Service Station for STUDEBAKER, DODGE and OAKLAND CARS EVERYTHING for the AUTO HOTELS, GARAGES, STAGE LINES, AMUSEMENTS, REFRESHMENT PARLORS |