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Show LOWER SERVICE CONNECT I ON CHARGES ARE ANNOUNCED MORE SERVICE AT LOWER COST TT An exteutiloQ telephone for your bpilroora. kitchen, llbrurv for II - -f- Afv'i aujr roora 'n tn0 house can now y he uad for leas than half the aerv- ir. 'l connection charge that had VN ( l boen effective until March 1. This fcajaaCal' E jj substantial reduction In charges PJf' ) Ik 1 or ,na connection of new oqutp- vr ment or changes in existing serr- faak Byij L". 'c 's ,0 odt'ou benefit to sub- V-sj '0 scrlbera throughout the entire rjSJJjVlA. j; Mountain States territory served r T7M TiA by ,h8 Company. Reductions have also been made in charpes for the connection of business telephone extensions and for moving telephones from one part of the house or office to another. In addition, the charge for chanting the type or your telephone tele-phone (hand, desk or wall set) has been reduced more than one-half. ' The reductions are entirely In line with this Company's policy and the aim of the Bell System "to provide the moat telephone service and the best at the least cost to the public" -' INVESTING $4,650 A DAY For every working day of 1929 almost It. 650 will b Invested In a Greater Telephone System for a Creater Utah. Put Into land and buildings, switchboard and cables, poles and wire, the 19 29 budget, largrnt in the hlxti.ry of The Mountain States Telephone anil Telrgraph C'on.paay, will mean a continually Improving telephone service for this territory. Ask Our Local Manager for New Charges j ; NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SPRING SLTPLY OF 1 1 j; groceries. j ; A FEW OF OUR j j II Saving Prices l ; FOR MARCH 22ND AND 23RD i i SUGAR-""6 Et"-'l"'a- . $625 1 1 COOKIES-2 ,bsMin 39'; ' POTATOES Solid and free frora disease 10 lbs 15C ! Jjpjfj The best on the market 1 ib- ! jj Guaranteed to be strictly fresh 1 doz. ' BROOMS Extra good quai'ty brooms i 1 1 WHITE KING-Lar!eF:. .... 39 : ; QjyCrystal white or p- G- 8 bars "ffi !! 1 1 LIGHT HOUSE CLEANSER- 71 2? j j j pJQUJ e guarantee it to be good 100 lbs. 325 ! i BANMAS-4 an4,:.;,,!-iV 10' : 1 1 We Have a Complete Line of ! ! jj VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS !! At Standard Prices I ALLEN CASH STORE i South Main Street Telephone 39 ! ! j j MILFORD, UTAH j ! sjlfttttttT1TtJttmfllfJsjfjsjg0ajsj000 ' O. F. HUBBELL, DRUGS CLEANLINESS SERVICE COURTESY. I MarciDi tally I! A Washer in Your i . 4 Home for ' AllWl 1 lrj Liy Lzi Lb tfu U Li a Balance: $5.00 Per Month j i " ! Every woman known JJZLJ1 p J jj the meanlns: of THOR t tA XZL quality. In 22 years no JJ X washer has ever equaled nd jQ, TH OIl'S record foi' IonK Now, JHOR presents X life with trouble-free fj the triumph of all these X "iice. years of building. A X 2 Cf -u washer that surpasses ' 2 Built to la.st a life- Vfc02J f 0&& J any you have ever seen i f time it is the most HL i Z A " e rr in comPact design, color, f modern of fast washers. ke jsVVv 2 p- ' fnrg speed and efficiency. By S It's new color will thrill v. ...j, -g -JLsmJ i ! ' actual test it is the only Z ii you. iT" :ii i v" rTV Tl ; J V washer of its type that ',' f j I 1 thoroughly cleanses ' ' vVt a 1 fa W shirt cuffs and collars in if if V one washing without t jj soaking. THE j I ixjew li tior li Will Free You Forever From l the Drudgery of Wash Day. ! I Cash Price Odlr $115.00 1 Small Carrying Charge for Time Payments. l Call Our Office for Free Demonstration jn iiRinF PflWFR Pfl I I 1 lLLIII iliJIa i UUiLii yUa j z a IHtttttMftttTf""""'aMMMMa't'""" |