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Show TWO CARLOADS OF CHEVS. COME IN Two carloads of Chevrolet automobiles auto-mobiles came' in to Milford this week for sales in this district. The first carload came in Monday and the sec- ) ond Friday. The new Chevrolet six may again v be seen on display in the salesroom of the Milford Sales. W -it 1L W JHL E C II-m MORE MILES Ti N " every fsmoui rmee track and in world -record AyiJ xETSjf" 'JE-A breaking endurance runs this tire has fc-. n its e-ut- Aissftii'' etanding tsughncw, strength, safety, and uTrr.bility. fySM&''ii"i"r', No matter whether y.--u d.-hx on city streets ana boule- fjfyii'fS ir-''i'L vards or on the ruuWt, rattiest eountry rob i(;jx5'-, ".-""i : -'i ,: :Vf 'l you'll get moat miles r.r dolUr out of Firestone Tires) ''t''ii'-S they are the greatest mileage tires built. Equip your I s W&iX 1 1 1 i w today at the lowest prtose. fMIPy If V-!-V Wit! 'wd I'M A R!;.VCWA-"&V ;M Listen to . --X K "The Voice of Firestone". WftSzj-C- Every Monday at 6:00 p. m. S JL. X HARDY SERVICE STATION MINERSVILLE . 0. habdy. r. UTAH FOR ECONOMIC ALj' Ijj ANSPRTATIN! Cliiartel ImliiItiilL NEW SIX CYLINDER CHEVROLETS.01 the road since JAN. IS To satisfy the overwhelming public demand for the new Chevrolet Six, the Chevrolet Motor Company ha accomplished one of the most remarkable induttrial achievements of time. In ffcss thnn three months after the first Chevrolet Six was delivered to the public, pub-lic, the Chevrolet factories are producing 6,0C0 cars a day. As a result, more than a quarter-million new Chevrolet Sixes have been delivered to date and this tremendous popularity is increasing every day! If you have not yet seen and driven this remarkable car t come in for a demonstration! The RoncUlrr. $525: The Phnoton. $525; The Coach. $5S; The Coupe, $S)5: The So. Inn. $IWS: The Sport Cobriolrt. $(i'IS; The Convertible l.andau. $725; Se.lan Delivery. $595; Lilit Prlivriy Ch-.ii. $400; 1 1 Ton Ch.-.:a. $545; li Toa ChastU with Cab, $o50. All pricei f. o. b. factory, Flint, Mich V ' -a Six in the price range of the four MILFORD MOTOR SALES MILFOUD, UTAH QUALITY AT LOW COST I |