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Show ISr Fall Plowing I ;!: Enables you to get your crops in earlier in the spring, t hence they will mature earlier, before the water gets t :!: low : t i The California t I Good Enough Sulky Ijf is extremely simple in construe- rws tl tion..: possesses all of the tie- "K A 2 P -sirab!e features of all up-to-date ' " VbM fj ' -J- Jsulky plows without the neces- fejfejijL i sarily complicated construction J -rr j ' ";r!f IT' '' :ff the "very high" lift type of Y'''1'1 ' plov. Its simplicity admits of r$y tt j! great strength and ease of opera- ,55. & tion to both man and team no ig0: M-8. v experts arc needed to operate the- ' 'v ''; fe-nl California (iood Enough. V. - hrZ 4 "(Jet in on the fall plowing,. r" ' " " fl vtr v tcijuipped with this plow. V jx j A ! t ,J -$S f . The New California I (yf" V Good Enough Gang I v . i A s (Constructed for deep plowing $ siSfc t x and is specially adapted to sage X 4 V t "'sh ground where it is neces ' jlQl, n fill NfC sary to have a higli frame. This t lrM will turn o the right while in I 'W1 (' :E!y!'3v and best grades of steel and mal- x I 'J leable iron. ' J-JS Si-Vr " -r Htiy ihin plow and be hapjiy t . "...V -eer after. x. . . . - v t- I Uintah Builders Supply Co.. I "Qonlity and Service to you, Sir." S I Ti MTON. " -' I T All &&tfV .1. C. JKNSK.V V- CO. Abstracts of title. "Wasatch and Duchesne Counlie . Ileal estate Insurance Uians jMichesne. .!.. l,sl(l -i I V |