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Show i Shaw Not a Gourmand, fleorgo Ilornard Shaw, critic, dramatist dra-matist and novelist, assorts that ho haB no moro homo Instinct than n milk enn at a railway station. Ho admits, ad-mits, however, thnt he has an addross at 10 Adelphln terrace, London. "Theso chambers," ho explains, "constitute "con-stitute the real center of my domesticity, domestic-ity, because, my wlfo lives thero. My official residence, qualifying me as a vestryman. Is In Fllzroy squnro; my mother lives thoro. I llvo nowhere." He says that any placo that will hold u bed and a writing tahlo Is ns characteristic char-acteristic of him as any other. At ono of tho Socialist conferences, when tho delogatos assembled after lunch, the well-known writer cam" In, rubbing his hands and giving thanks for the splendid dinner ho had just had. Sumo ono naked htm what ho had for dinner. din-ner. "Ah!" replied Mr. Shaw, with all tho sorontty of a wall-fed man, "I've had soven bananas 1" |