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Show STORY OF REINCARNATION. Tho "Milford Times." Tho following story cornea from India: Within tho past few weeks n most extraordinary caso of alleged reincarnation reincar-nation claimed to bo tho soul of a British officer has mado Its appear-nnco appear-nnco In Ilurma. It is tho second ot Its kind In recent years, and has accordingly ac-cordingly attracted widespread attention. atten-tion. Reincarnation Is a fundamental doctrine doc-trine of Huddhlsm, nnd a reincarnation reincarna-tion of a human Identity, In human form, though changed In outward aspect, as-pect, Is called a "mlnzn." As u rule, tho "mlnzn" Is n very ordlnnry looking look-ing child, In no wny different from IiIb childish companions. It will be better to quote tho account of tho Hnncoon Times: "There is a Ilttlo blue-eyed, light-haired light-haired boy hero, between 3 nnd 4 years old, tho son of hardworking nnd matter-of-fact Ilurmcso parents bo-longing bo-longing to tho laboring class who until un-til qulto recently prattled llko nny other child of thnt ngo. Tho other day, however, ho astonished his mother moth-er by gravely claiming that ho was tho Into Major D. J. Welsh, llorder regiment, como to llfo again, and went on to describe tho houso whero ho had previously lived, tho number of ponies ho bad, and other personal matters. "His mother was frightened nnd called In tho neighbors, to whom tho queer nlblno repeated his story, describing de-scribing how ho and two others a lndy and a gentleman wero drowned In a boating accident during n storm at night In March, 1904, when tho threo nnd, only occupant's of tho boat porlsholl.-f ''jjU. Ws ItoarfbV LieulenW AWv Quintan nnd Mujor Walsh, both of tho Dordor regiment, regi-ment, did loso their lives In this manner. man-ner. "Largo crowds assemble dally to hear tho Ilttlo child-man speak. Of course, skeptics will say thnt It Is n 'put up Job.' Tho answer to this is thnt Hurmcto coolies nro not given to romnnclng to such nn extent. Several methods hnvo been applied to test tho genuineness of tho child's utterances, nnd peoplo nro satisfied that ho has not been tutored." |