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Show ft EDITORIAL NEWS BR'EFS. II"" - IjMlIo. Mario Mnrvlngt, ngt-d 23, ot Miacy (Franco), linn returned to among tho "aiguilles" of tjho Mont illlnno range, nnd accomplishing n ro-mnrkoblo ro-mnrkoblo scries ot flrst-cln&H climbs. Among tho peaks Bho nscjnded nro tho Algulllo do Molno, 11,21 f feet; Col du Passon nnd Col du Tyiur, nbout 11,000 feet; Algulllo du .Tour, 11,585 feot; Col do Solclnar nnd fcol du Char-dontict, Char-dontict, over 10,000 foot; jCol d'Argen-tloro. d'Argen-tloro. 11,635 feet; and7 Tour Nolr, 12.608 feet. f M. W. Duley, who, with his nsBocI-ato, nsBocI-ato, Mr. McDonald, of Coulee City, Is ranging a vast honl of cattlo on tho Bouth half of tho Colvlllo Indian reservation, res-ervation, has beon at work along tho lower Okanognn river during tho last fow weeks buying nil tho hay ho could secure, nnd has succeeded In tying up most of tho winter food In thnt locality. |