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Show j Utah State News 8T0CKT0N SUNDRIES. fltprktnn Kcntlticl Shelton & Kclloy whipped n enr of oro last week. JO K Holler skating wns on In full blast at Stockton Saturdny evening. Tho Southport mlno has shut down for n fow days, until n hoist Is Installed. In-stalled. ' W, 11. Hanley has gone to Ophlr, whero ho has nccepted a position as bartender. Miss WInnIo Hollow wns operated on nt tho St. Mark's hospital Inst week for appendicitis, nnd Is doing nicely. . t Mr. John McKenzIo had his .leg broken nnd his shoulder dislocated In nn necident at tho Den Harrison last wcok. Brazier's bull terrier and l'axton's TtuBBlan torrlor had a four-round contest con-test In front ot Frallcy's tho other day. I)y tho combined efforts of about a dozen men tho battlo was finally stopped. Brazier's bull was awarded tho honors. o o . Tho Brazier Bros., tho Wagner boys, Milo Dcnman, Joseph Weeks nud drover Fulton returned to tho city Saturday evening, nftor spending two weeks hunting deer In Soldier ennyon. Thoy report deer very plentiful, but tho best tho crowd could do was to bag ono. |