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Show SHORT AND CONCI8E. Tho Holton (Kan.) Journal has n country correspondent who signs himself him-self "Damlt." Hut It is doubtful, If ho would swear to ono-hnlf tho statements state-ments ho makes In his letters. A Chicago oxchnngo tolls about n mnn In that city who hns attempted to commit Btilcldo six times within a yonr. A bad habit llko that will bo tho death of him bo mo day. Ono of tho greatest markets In tho world for musical Instruments Is South Afrlcn, which spends on nn nv-orago nv-orago $1,000,000 a yonr, nbout $500,000 of which goes In pianos. Says tho St. Louis Globo-Democrat: i "It Is better to bo chatltnblo than rich, and you can't bo both." Tho great majority, It scorns, nro finding It hard to bo either. A Chicago wlfo Baved enough out of hor weekly nllownnco to get a divorce. di-vorce. Is that why tho women's clubs Insist upon tho wlfo having a weekly nllowanco. Miss Shouts is Bnld to have pir aundod papa to look with moro favor upon her foreign duke 1'osnlbly pupa id not satisfied with his Job down in J Now York. J Gas Is rheaper In l-Jnglmul thnu In the I'nllod Stntt'H. beenunt the com-1 I panics ni honestly CHpllRilml They j do not hnvr to pay dividends on wnt- ered stock J Mark Twain, after hobnobbing with 1 Mr. Itogers, will probably write it I book Knowing how the nil octopus Is j bo tame that It will wit right out of one'n baud 1 We are reminded that there will be l another Thaw trlnl by tho fact that i tho noted 'dementia Americana" vie- j tltn Ik again having trouble with his j lawyers, There will bo something doing In Massachusetts, when Mr. Whitney Is nominated for governor. Tom Law-son Law-son says lie hns got an eruption coming. com-ing. The Alton railway properly got what It was promised an immunity bnlli. llowevor, these aro favors which should bo distributed sparingly. sparing-ly. Two new stentners mimed Ilarviml and Yalo aro plying between Boston nnd New York. We hope they will not meet Is a football collision. When Mr. Wnlter Wellmnn gets tired dashing for tho polo, ho might undertake to pilot the Washington " baseball team to tho pnuniint. t Why in tho world should the president presi-dent stir up Castro right on tho ovo of tho doparturo nf tbo fleet for tho oilier flldo of tho world? Tho King of Slnm recently pnld $C:.50 for n pair of socks. Hla royal subjects may Mck on fooling such , lillli, sooner or later |