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Show JAPS PAY COMPLIMENT TO RUSSIAN CAPTAIN Russian Commander Refused to Leave Hit Sinking Vessel and Narrowly Escaped Death by Drowning, Toklo. An officer of the naval staff .has made a statement In which ho .pays high trlbuto to somo of tho Russian Rus-sian officers participating In the battle of the Sea of Japan. His statement follows; "Thero wero sovcral Russian of fleers whoso conduct in tho recent battle bat-tle deserves to be held high as a model and exnmplo for all naval of fleers. Among them tho most noteworthy note-worthy wob tho conduct of Captain Rodlonoff, commander ot tho Nakhl moff. His gallantry Is as pralso-worthy pralso-worthy as that of Commander Hlrose. During the first day of tho battlo tho Nakhlmoff w t exposed to tho flro of our main squadron and sustained serious seri-ous damage. During the night sho was made tho object ot severe torpedo attacks and finally cotnplotoly disabled, dis-abled, drifted closo to tho Tsushima. "Tho vessel was sinking and Captain Cap-tain Rodlonoff sent seventy ot tho crew to land at Tsushima, remaining aboard himself with his chlof navigator. navi-gator. When tho Japaneso approached tho sinking vessel thoy asked the captain cap-tain to lcavo tho vessel, but he ro-Xuscd. ro-Xuscd. Tho Japanese boarded tho ves-sol ves-sol and ondcavorod to drag him Into a boat, but ho rcslstod. Tho ship was listing badly and threatened momentarily momen-tarily to plungo Into tho sea. Tho Japanese were forced to draw off nnd tho captain went below, to thero meet his death. Suddenly tho ship went down and our men thought tho gal lant officer wns drowned. Dut provl-denco provl-denco willed otherwise. We found the captain and navigator In tho water locked In each other's arms. Thoy had embraced at what thoy thought was the moment of doath and wero partly unconscious when wo rescued them." |