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Show TORTURED BY ECZEMA. Body Mats of 8oret Could not Sleep Spent Hundreds of Dollars on Doctors, but Grew Worse-Cured Worse-Cured by Cutlcura for $8. "Cutlcura saved tho llfo of my mother, Mrs. Win, F. Davis, of Stony Crcok, Conn. Hers was tho worst eczema I ever saw. Sho was hardly ablo to eat or sleep. Her bead and body was a mass of sores, and Bbo do-paired do-paired of recovery. Finally, after spending hundreds of dollars on doctors, doc-tors, growing worso all tho tlmo, living liv-ing In misery for years, with hair whitened from suffering and body terribly ter-ribly disfigured, sho wns completely cured by two cakes ot Cutlcura Soap, flvo boxes of Cutlcura, and thrco hot-ties hot-ties ot Cutlcura Resolvent. Oco. C. Davis. 161 W. 3Cth St.. N. Y." ' |