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Show PERIL IN PEANUT DUTTER. One Mouthful Sufficient to Cause Split In Family. The Inst caso I will mention at this tlrao was on thin wlso: She returned in tho evening from n shopping foray and casually mentioned that she had somo peanut butter. She set it down In thq kitchen. Later In tho ovcnlng ho slipped out In tho kitchen In a sort of desultory, quiet, and unostentatious unosten-tatious way and cut n pleco of bread and set about spreading on some of the peanut butter. In tho dim light ho did well and got plenty on, but unfortunately un-fortunately she had not mentioned that she had also bought somo enam-ellno enam-ellno for polishing tho stovepipe. When the bread was spread ho took a mouthful of It, thu kind of mouthful mouth-ful a man Ih npt to tako when tho restraints re-straints and formalities of effete fo-clety fo-clety uro far from him. Then ho placed somo handsomo but unpremeditated unpremed-itated stucco work on tho newly painted walls of tho kitchen, and from thnt date things began to get twisted, and there was not that delightful de-lightful camaraderie that there had been. She got alimony two years later, and It was charged that ho had spells of temper, and on ono occasion went Into the kitchen Just after It had been newly painted and filled his mouth with somo black substance and then, llko a Chinaman wetting down an ironing, spurted It seventy-two ways from Sunday. That shows how unfair a woman is when she gets nfter a person sho no longer likes. Pcrkln Warbeck In Mngnzlno of Fun. |