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Show O BBBH PIUTE COUNTY ITEMS. IBH Dr. P. A. II. Franklin, who hnd been IvbbbbbbI In thu enst and Colorado nnd Arizona fll for tho past year or so, reached the SbbbbbbI city again. Ho expects to remain hero 9B two or thrco days uml then leavo for 'bBS nu Inspection of the Franklin syudl- JVBl en to properties In tho Gold Mountain I'sBHl district. After thnt he will return to iHVAl Tellurlde, Colo., and look after Ills In- , tSBSl tercsts there. The doctor states thnt ''; iWjmwM whothor ho ever lives to seo It or not. ?'t I'SmWmm thcro Is no question that the G,old U fkwmw Mountnln-Marysvala country will soiny ? 't H day bo classed ns tho biggest gold- MgU bbbbbbbbb! producing region In tho west. Tn;... iwi sbbbbBI doctor returns In tho best of, health- wj )fi 9 and just ns enthusiastic over the pos- i HH slbllltles and resources of Utah an ''firm SflH |