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Show MINES AND MINING Tho Daly-Judgo Mining company of Park City, Utah, last week posted Its regular quarterly dividend of $112,600, or 37 l-2c per share nastcrn financiers nre watching tho duvolopmcnt of Utah and Nevada mines closely and western mining stocks were never In better favor In tho east than at present. Low prices for thirty-three leading listed Iloston copper stocks show a depreciation of $1.11,312,255 in market mar-ket price as compared with tho high price record of Jan. 1. Thu statistics collected by the Iron Ago show tho output for February of coko and anthracite pig Iron amounted amount-ed to 2,015,003 tons, its compared with 2,205,007 gross tons in January. Indications from the achievements thus far this mouth aro that tho March dntput of pig Iron and of finished fin-ished products of tho largor producer will exceed the banner rerord of October Oc-tober last. The ithcot and tin plate mills aro running under tremendous pressure. Thero 1 sonio talk ot advances in prices, but It Is well understood that tho leading Interest Is opposed to any such action. The establishment of tho Schwab' smelter at Ash Meadows, though thirty miles from Iloatty, will bo a help to this camp because It will bo tho natural distributing center for tho supplies used by tho smelter. Assays received by tho officials of thu Lnkesldo Copper company last week show $12 lu gold, 2.3 ounces In sliver and 28.9 per cent In copper. Tho property is located near Promontory Promon-tory point, n short distance from Og-den. Og-den. Dig deals and big strikes arc of almost al-most dally occurrenco In tho new camp of Mlzpah, midway between Ely and Cohro nnd four miles from tho line of tho Novndn Northern railroad, which connects Hly with tho ouUldo world. Tho now mill of tho Jennie Gold .Mining company Is Hearing completion comple-tion rapidly, and tho management expects, ex-pects, In case railroad delays do not provent, that this plant will bo In full operation by tho Inst of tho present month. A five-drill Rand compressor plant, with n full complement of drills, electric elec-tric motor and a wholo lot of othei machinery, wag loaded Monday at Salt Lake for shipment to tho properties- of tho Mason Valley company at Yerlngton. Pino Orovo district, In Heaver county, Utah, Is becoming active In a manner befitting its merits, the Sun Mining company being tho last com pnny owning property thero to get to work upon tho Bamo In tho most earnest fashion. Clarcnco McFaddcn, nn attorney, formerly of Salt Lake, has sold to Allen Adnmg, of Atlantic City, N. J., a group of six claims running high In lend and Bllver, for a consideration of $6,000. Tho claims are in Steptoo creek, Nevada, In tho Wood river section of Idaho tho Qulncy, Junior, company has been working on tho Red Klephnnt. A now deposit of fine galena oro four feet thick has bocn opened, Tho Croesus has a mlno and mill, and Is doing sonio good work. Tho F.urcka and Htilllon nlso aro being operated In a smull wny. Tho Muldoou district ot Idaho, which has been closed down for years, has been revived by Chicago, capitalists, capital-ists, who last fall started In on tho Dclle or tho Mountains, tho Muldoon and tho Mutual, nnd havo been working work-ing Btoadlly all winter. Thoy aro taking tak-ing out sonio nlco galena and carbon-nto carbon-nto oro. Tho Insplatlon mlno nt Globe, Arizona, Ari-zona, has been sold to tho Lewlsohn Interests for approximately ,000,000, constituting tho largest "al evor mado In tho Globo district. Tho General Gen-eral Development company, Adolph Lowlsohn, president, nnd J. Parke Channlng, consulting engineer, Is tho purchaser. For a consideration that Is known to run well abovo $100,000, Dr W. S. Phillips of Chicago and K. S. Hoyt or Tonopah havo purchased from Mc-Cormlck Mc-Cormlck & Schwab tho townstto of Realty and the Montgomery hotol property. This means that all tho unoccupied lots In Ucatty aro turned over to Phillips and Hoyt. Wild oxcltement has broken loose as a result of the discovery of mam moth ledges of rich copper ore five or six miles north nnd a little west of Acme, n small station on the Colo' rado & Carson railroad, and directly east of tho bouth end or Walker lake Nevada. A prominent mlno owner says: "Stories or high-grading woro grossl misrepresented In tho Goldfleld art! cles, for It Is probablo that not more than 100 mon wero employed when spoclmen oro could bo carried away nnd thoso nro by no means al' thieves" Judge Knappen of tl o United State circuit court, at Grand Rapids Mich., has issued a nutralnlnj ordei forbidding tho stockholder of the Calumet nnd Hecla Mining compan) from holding a meel'pg for t'-e pur poso of voting pioxies In the OavjoU omipuuT. |