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Show M STARTED BY THE PRESIDENT. H Ripley of the Santa Fe Dlamea Roose-H Roose-H velt for Wall Street Panic. H l.oa Angolcs, Cul. In an Interview H In an afternoon paper, President K. I H niplcy of tho Santa Fe, who Is now H at Santa Ilarbara, Is quoted as saying H that President Iloosovelt Is responsl- H bio for the present uncertain condl- H ttons In Wall street, and attributes H tho recent seml-panlc to "a brush lire H -which the president started," .Mr. H lllpley said that because of tho gen- H crnl nntl-rallrond sentiment lu tho H country that tho Santa Fc wag pro- H pared to Inaugurato a policy of Btrlct H conservatism In tho matter of t:g ox- H pendlturcs and that many contemplat- H cd Improvements In tho company's H property would 'have to uwnlt more H faornble conditions. Mr. lllpley li H also quoted ub ga Ing that ho believes H It Is likely that President Ilarrlmnn H or tho Union Pacific will retire from H active railroad llfo within n year. |