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Show STOCKTON. In n pIcturesiiio spot near what wns once a considerable lake, nnd flunked on two Bides by tinture'B grent upheavals, sits tin pioneer mining nnd smelting town or Stockton, Utnh. Founded by tho stalwart soldier, Gen-eial Gen-eial V. 12. Connor, booh nftor lending his command hither from Callfomln, the plnco hns over maintained somo of the characteristics which brought It Into bolng; push and pull, ndvnnco nnd climb, keep doing nnd planning nnd never glvo up tho ship, no matter though it bo becalmed nt times nnd not nblo to make much headway. The worst Is past now and tho bust Is to come. Stockton has caught the gait and will bo seen, heaul nud foil among tho go-ahead communities of this prosperous stnto. |