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Show National League Newt. Tho Iloiton National club has released re-leased Pitcher Hoy Wlthcrup. Tho Pittsburg club has purchased Catcher Shaw from tho Loulsvlllo club. Ferguson, of New York, Is said to bo tbo speediest Iiltchor In this leaguo. Cincinnati Is belloved to havo a mortgage on Pitcher Del Mnson, ol Iialtltnnro. Tho now Ht. Louis shortstop, Forrest Crawford, has a splendid throwing arm. Charles W. Murphy, president of the Chicago club has received word that Kandall, tho ciack right fielder of the Donvor team, would bocomo tho prop, erty of tho cubs after tho prosent play Ing season. He lias been drafted. Tho 8t. Louis club announces tho purclmso of Outfloldur Kelloy from tho Haltlmoro club 'or next sear.on. Pitcher Poll has been warded to Ilrooklyn by tho NatlonnI commission on ovldonco submlttod by President Kbbotts. Tho Pittsburg club has purchased Port Max wall, ono of tho star pitchers of tho Boiithnrn leaguo, from tho Memphis Mem-phis club. Tho Now York club has signed for a try-out next spring Phil Smith, tho high school phenom of Plalnfleld. who Is twlrllnk f r Hobokcn. Harry Stolnfeldt. who has boon labolod a "dead ono" In Clnelnnatl for several seasons, threatens to bo tho loading tmtsmnn of tho NatlonnI loaguo this souson. |