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Show f MERCUR BRIEF8. fr James Spclra loft Thursday for his !E homo In Pleasant Grovo. r j j E Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscar Swonson spent I ' tho past week in Salt Lake. fc- & J Bp Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Hurlburtspon ' a fow days In Salt Lako last wcok. r n if Mr. G. H. Dorn nmdo n (lying trip ( r" to Kuroku Thursday on mining husl- . K ness. 1 W Mr. John Ileagley loft for NophI yes- a torday for u fow days' visit with his j v family. . Mr. Edwnrd Howard has returned to 1 Morcur from a weok's visit In Salt Lako City. I .1 .1 1 Many of our citizens aro propar' K to attend October conference to bo held nt Salt Lako City. Tho L. D. S. choir, under tho ablo leadership of Mr. Richard Danlols, Is second to nono In tho stnto. J Mr. Harry Hawks, Master Mechan ' lo Golden Gato mill, was In Salt Lako t City for n fow days this week. Sir. nnd Mrs. John I'otorson'a baby ' ., Is cinlto sick with Bummor complnlnt, and nt this writing Is In a dangorous i condition. f J Tho Con. Mercur Co. is furnishing tho Sacramento Co. with ono carload of llmo monthly from their now kiln at tho mill. , . . Emll Andorsbn, ono of thu best known citizens of American ForK, dlofl vory suddonly nt his homo from tho ! effects of heart falluro. .4 W Mr. W. T. Jannoy's mother nnd sis-tor, sis-tor, Pauline, luft for their homo In Phllndolphln Friday, after having spent tho summur In Murcur. Archie Itozinnt has boon lBltlng relntivos nnd friends In Ploasant Grovo for tho pnBt ton daj"8, and re turned to Mercur yoBtorday. Hilly Williams Is taking a ten days' lay-off from his duties ns solution man , nt tho Golden Gato mill to visit rola- j tlvoH and friends In Salt Iako. . , ' t. . Last weok's Issuo, In publishing tho ' list of mombors of Oio FJvo Hun'' club, omitted Miss Clara (;aiTcj-s numo from tho list of inemborshlp. County Commissioner Mr. Joseph Leo left for Salt Lako Sunday to visit his family, and on Monday will leave for Tooelo to attend county court. Tho Con. Mercur Gold Mining Co. nro having tho mill and nil company buildings ropnlnted, which adds gicatly to the appearance of the buildings build-ings Jt s Tho now sub-station of tho Tcllu-rldo Tcllu-rldo Power company, under tho supervision super-vision of Mr. Clarko Hakcr, Is ncarlng completion, nnd when finished will be n model of Its kind. J j Profossor McCorklo nnd Miss Anna Luft, Miss lllanchnril and Mlsa Hns-lnusscn Hns-lnusscn climbed Lowlston peak on tho 2Dth Inst., nnd say tho next trip will be made on horseback. - .' Tho Union Mcrcantllo Co. has laid In a now Block of goods for fnll trnde. Tho nppenranco of tho storo and tho quality of tho goods will compare with any In Salt Lako City. .. Mrs. Thomas Ilutto presented hor husband with n lino baby, boy Thursday Thurs-day morning. Tom Is wearing smiles and passing clgnrs among tho boys. Mother and child doing well. jt h The foundry nt tho Golden Gato mill Is turning out maugancBo steel castings and cast steel, nlso chilled castings. The foundry is under tho supervision of Mr. Felix Forbes, n mechanic of extraordinary ability. . Mr Joslah Kemp of Mercur, a young business man, and Miss Lizzie White of Manning wore married at the county clerk's office nt Salt Lako City last Monday. Doth young poo-plo poo-plo aro favorably known nnd hnvotho best wishes of the community. s Tho wedding reception given nt tho homo of Mrs. Rcnson, In tho Second wnrd, American Fork, Thursday nig In honor of hor daughter's marriago to Mr. Wash Varney, was ;i brilliant affair, af-fair, Tho young couple 'woro married early In tho evening by President Jns. H Clarke. . .'t Mr. Cad Preblo has enlarged tho stago of tho Morcur opera houso, which adds greatly to Its appearance nnd enables tho show companies to .prcsent, thejplaysjn apiort8ulinbl way. Morcur is on tho regular circuit now nnd wo can look for good shows this fall and winter. St .1 Mercur was treated to n first-class Bhow Wednesday ovonlng, Oct. 3, by Oordon nnd Dennett's Royal Slavo Co. This show is of speclnl morlt and do-BorveB do-BorveB good business. Your correspondent corre-spondent mot Mr. F. C. Huobnor, tho' gonial advance agent, and his npponr-nnco npponr-nnco nnd business nblllty aro ccrtnln to Insure a good show. . Thomas llrockbank mot with a very serious accident yesterday whllo hunting. hunt-ing. In Betting his gun down on tho ground It was discharged In some unaccountable un-accountable wny. blowing tho thumb from bis right hand and perforating his shoulder with shot. Drs. Thnyor nnd Horry attended his Injuries, and nt this writing ho Is resting comfortably. comfort-ably. st jt Dr. J. B. Talt has sold his practlco in Morcur nnd Ophlr to Dr. L. 0. Krnuso, n gradunto of tho Wcstorn Dental collego of Kansas City. Mo, Dr. X. O. Logan of Ophjr purchased his offlco building and two ndjolnlng lots ns nn Investment. Dr. Tnlt will leave on or about Oct IGth for nutto, Montnnn, where ho will locato nnd continue his practlco In dentistry .i . Lohl Is to havo another bank. James Chlpman of Salt Lako City, Stephen L, Chlpman, Alox Thornton nnd Washburn Wash-burn Chlpman of Amorlcan Fork woro lu Lohl to comploto tho nrrangomonts for Its opoulng. It wns not definitely decided whothor tho now Institution will bo nn Independent corporation or whothor It will bo for tho present n branch of tho Dank of Amorlcan Fork. vl Jt Mrs. William Uncoil entertained n number of hor frlonds Thursday ovonlng ovon-lng In honor of hor birthday. Tho following fol-lowing guests woro prosont: Mnyor and Mrs. Evoro, Mr, and Mrs. O. Al-benn, Al-benn, Mr nnd Mrs. Henry Danlols. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmos Iionnott, Mr. Hid-noy Hid-noy Showells, and Mr. Archlo Ilex-znnt. Ilex-znnt. Music, Instrumental nnd vocal, was Indulged In, aftor which tho hostess host-ess sorvod a delightful auppor. Mnny happy returns of tho day. Jt jt Tho dlroctors of tho Sacramento Mining company mot and declared dlvldond No. 61, of $5000, payable tho first of October, books to closo Sop-tombor Sop-tombor 20. With the payment of this amount tho Rncrnmento company will havo distributed to the slmroholdors of tb company tho total sum or $265.-000. $265.-000. Ro)ort was mado to tho officials of tho company Monday that everything every-thing nt tho mlno wus In excellent condition, nnd that development work wns progressing with tho usual vigor. Jt M Mr. James W Whllo, tho eminent mlxologlBt of tho Onulilh bar. was lu Salt Lako during tho championship games botwonn Park City and Euroka. Mr. Whlto wns at ono tlmo nn ndhor-unt ndhor-unt of Euroka. and at this writing ho has cast his lot with Park City and will not rotrlovo hlc fortunes shattered shat-tered by the GanB-NoIson bout nt Gold-field. Gold-field. It Is rumored In social clrolos that Mr. Whlto Is engaged to a prominent promi-nent society woman of tho west dip nnd oxpocts to bo married Bomo tlmo In Jnnuary Congratulations and good luck Tim Morlarty, who Is uat In fromj tho Shnkespcnro group of claims vat Morcur, roports tho uncovering of nil oxtonslvo vein ot ore, which assays from $7.20 to $141 In sold to tho,torij Tho property Is located about ono mllc south or tho Manning mill 'ind lsj Just ver thu htll from tho MercurM Tho Btrlko Is tho best yot eno.)ilnVrTdj In tho district, nnd tho owners of tbo! propeity, Mr. Morlarty. L 1?! Ormnot'J and Alt Anderson, of tnlu city, nro ujtly dated. Tho vein ts thought ley bo a continuation o that which runs, through the Morcur proporty. ,'. Two steam plows nro now at work' In Cedar vnlloy plowing up lands preparatory pre-paratory to planting dry fnrin wheat. Ono of tho plows Is being opornted by. tho Cedar Valley Lnnd & Development company, composed of Lohl, Amor-can Amor-can Folk and Alplno pnrtlos Tho othor plow ts owned by Salt Lako people peo-ple and Is being operated by lllshop Sneddon of Snlt Lako City. Tho plows so for arc plowing eight to ten Inches deep, but nro not doing vor satisfactory work. Heavier ptows havo been ordered and it ts oxpoctcd that they will bo more, successful. |