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Show I Tized, Nezvons Mothers M MaKo Unhappy Homes-Their Condition Irritates H Both Husband and Children Hov Thousands of Mothers Have Been Saved From Nervous I Prostration and Made Strong and Well. !TiMiJiMiiftrTiMnMMMWiMjiJLliiWMMMW miu w sMsJihriH imumJi fir IWITj Mrs. Chester Curry gj Mrs.Cas.rVQroivn A nervous, Irritable mother, often on Mrs. Chester Curry, Lender of the the verges of hysterics, Is unfit to cure Ladles' Syinnlionv Orchestra, 43 Kara- for children ; it ruins u child's dlsposl- tojfu Street, Kast iloston, Mass., writes: tlon nnd reucts upon herself. The Denr Mrs I'lnHmm: trouble between children und their " Kor oiRht ears t wns troubled with ex- mothers too often Is due to ttio fact trriiiiieroiisnnndh)t.tTin.lrouKlitonliy that the mother lins home female weak- IrreRulnrilli I tould neither en loy llfo nor ness, and sliols entirely unfit to bear P nlRhta; I os very IrritAble, nenoua the strain upon her nerves that povcrti- V. ,',yX' j-.V-hildmni's Veritable Compound Jnff children Involves; It Is Impossible was reeiuiimeiided niidprmed to Iw tho only for her to do anything ealtnly. ii'ii.cdy that helped ino. I have, daily The Mb of women act lllie u tlrebrand iHiiirwml (n huilth until I air now strung upon the iiervrN, consequently nine- "'"' "'"i a,lJ ' nervousness has dlup- tenths of the nervous prostration, tier- 'K"'1, ' , , ,, ,, ,,, , tous despondency " the, blues." sleep- , M.r, ,l ',arU,,s, l ,lr??'V 'm"?";'" fcssness. und nervous Irrllabllltv of 'l1'"1 "' ,u. I,,V,L',h V'' Jf. CcUar women iirisii from Mime dcrauifeincnt 1I,crr,:i'c'- ', "l 'sPri''(f. Ark., writes : r ,i... r.,,.,,,1.. .,.... ,,it, Dear Mrs r nklinm-. of the female onjunlMi ' IdniKK-MlliiouRlinlneyearsof mlv-rabls Do you experience IIU of depression etlstene.-; worn out with wm and norvoiis- with restlessness, alternating with n.-, until It kernel as tliniigti I hould lly. extreme irritability? Are your spirits I then nottcitl a Matement of a woman trou- casllvalTected.RO that one tnluutu vou bled as I was, and tlio wonderful resultn Mie laucli, and the next minute you feel 'I'tImiI frnni 5dl.1L IMnkliam's Vegeinbls in ' j o Compound, I decided to try It I did mi, and iiHoirjiiik at tlioend of threw months I as n different Do you feel fconicthlncllltc n ball ris- olimil My ,., was nil cone. I a. Ing in your tlnoiit und tlireatenlnj; to n longer irritable, and my husband fell in choice you; nil the senses perverted, Io with tue nil over ncaln " morbidly sensitive to light and sound ; Women should remember that Lyilia pain in tlio ovaries, and especially I) i'lukhatifs Vegetable Compound Is between tlie shoulders; bearing down the medicine that holds the record for pains; nervous dyspepsia, and almost the greatest number of actual cures of continually cross and snappy? female ills, and take no substitute. If so, your nerves are in n shattered l'ree Advice to Women, condition, und you are threatened with Mrs. 1'lnUham. Lynn, Muss,, invites nervous prostration. all sick omen to write to her foradvice. I'roof is monumental that nothing In Mrs. riukham's vnst experience with the world Is better for nervous prostrn- female troubles enables her to tell tion than Lydla K. I'inkhunt's Vego- you just what is best for you, and table Compound ; thousands and thou- she will charge you nothing for hor ands of women testify to this fact. advice. Ask Mrs. Plnkham's Advice A Woman Best Understands n Woman's Ills. Ij scnd wibllk the Wave d m r?f.Wm Circle? D costs three times fe ,,oKsJ km mr h 25 oz. for 25c. iV t TREAT and CURE CS CATAItttll nl til curable dlttiici yWjB of theeya.car.noie, throat. lunj'i.itom- J1 siv cK. liver. bowala. kldnrya, blidder and ?- t II chronic, rtervouaand priyate dUeuaa ViStJ1 JvJ3w of both it te. ftnd iIuckms of children. 4tfklMTyjp' Home 'IreHltnrnt 'ure. Wrlm vtrlk7j& fur rreAjinjilHii tint If )fu rn L-rfJKv nut call. t'liiieulUllim r rer. fykJi ..,,-. .on... spBCa offer in Private Diseases ,m w """" Ilnrnrluniitri of Ixith Hi "ho r ultrln frnm l'i ?l lilietiat wiielber rnil by lnor- nc. .ici'iurroilklou litomwrt lnwu Iwikfd lll.on vn I...-I i lcu t ( rer br I In ShrU ini HUOIIK8 J Jidr HK Vlll 111 l-AV TIIKM UMC liol.llt L.Mll, U'llUI L'.NLICvl VmMuVllitS K.SrwTllBV CAS Cl'KK AMI UIU! I'HIVsTh IHHKASKi 1.1 llOIII iJr fh i'khmaNKS ri.V nd I" I'll'H K Ihmr skill In IbU eluH of mt.ni. im llmr ltl nd i,Vr..'u'ir'"..ilto"reii''P .iiniu Niurdi. pmlw k '" uil..iir " i'i; ;'Pfr, !",!,, ,,J roVui.m i rnrinonih r tm ulime.it. MHwruropr mreM,. 'HUH lloiMT Ml A fit I b- I . K A I . I N c V I III I IIC Ar I I.IC I Hli ilHli d,i ll l.lo lo U.ii Oji.rk nut t .lir Ih o.nindiIILMii"lni.i"ii'"""i'trTuiiiiM'. IUU j..u -r Ur o l.kir nMiai n!n.iiiirtui"d willlil luk.nonh.iiie- ' eannm lew jour mi.lior II lou il in I ? II il p Jib'. fihi r Km !' WKKNI-I.S Vt MKS sre lnil t ! rH ! eulir.rd or InoiroVl V 'iSrAl K t ANIl li,.. Puo.e. n.- IK A I. TUBA I lklT f. J. ., I. c... I.N?AK1- iii v i'riiK-.k o hr lu.'ior b.i m hit . ' ur "ui umlei ih o .1 anil iimiiio. pln of A;imonl fiVrwl! tr ii' Wo cur. I.usl MASlln-'U H.iuin.l ..kn... Hivrmolorrkito UOMIIIIIIIUKA HVrillMI. VAIU Ol EI.K nil. I kllllr..! lioublei III ! I mo nd for lu Bonor, lb.nn tn.uiuilonln lb. -e.l e.-r K.iiSd..iiii.. . n..r .. x.ui.or b.lr.j ORS, SHORES & SHORES, Exnertjpecialists. 249 M.'c"!,5,,1. yimmh mm lBJSlllrlBl& Aim 2ninilll- L S IS GUARANTEED TO CURE HIHiBIP NF m grip.bad cold.headacheahd neuralgia Mil UJUR HlL. k5! l,,n'l II AnlMlrlnlnd lo it. lcr ' t wm'tMunranln "tUSHOfiUlLmifMAIMcTIr t II lIlll.rjourAKI.NKV IIA It H' IT WON'T cum: LnWta!tirORHW?fltE jf pl.jltrmtnJt. .. Maautaoturcr.cViir.u;i-J d, JIu I HUUjyPJJ P jT H im RE MjDY ' .?Smtahc-hudt0S -never'fails- jssvVAr.0.?.?.:.: Holden-Judson Drug Co,, General Agents. Sail Lake City, Utah. Here It Relief for Women. Mother Gray, a nurso In Now York, discovered dis-covered upleaKunlhcrb remedy for women's Ills, called AUSTitALIAN-LKAF. It Is tho ouly certain monthly regulator. Cures femalo weaknesses, D.ickucho, Kidney and Urinary troubles. At all Drugirlsts or by mail M cts. Snmplo mailed 1-TtCI i. Address. Tho Mother Uruy Co., LcUoy, N. Y. Afro. Winston's 8ontlilnir Hjrnp. For rhttitren teelblnff, wftfni tbKiimi,ndur. h Cuniu.Uuu, sll.f pUt, euro, wind ujllu. &ti . bulUo. TEA Can it be that anyone else can serve you as well ? Can it be that anyone else is disposed to serve you as well? Yorsrwr return, your mon.y If youdnn'lllk. KrhllllM ltot. TEA was a royal indulgence two-hundred two-hundred years ago. 'Tis yet. Yfwr trr, r4orM your mMMr If jmt doa't llkt UrnlUliMf Staot. : TEA '. Was ever a wicked mar. or woman especially fond of tea, do you think? PUTNAM FADELESS DYES i. i j. t,.iM.,i,d fitter colon than sni other dit. OnslOewcVjos eolorisllflberi. Tl dln joblil;rt)tlr thinsnjrollisr dio. Youcondjs In, wTmtif-leul '"rsps" w"!riVr".. bo'okl.t rfow to D,e. UlMtr, sol tl. Colon. MONROE DRUG CO.. Unlonvlllo. Af.iour'. f 'AIT .!,'!-!' JLit''lJtiAiHtil'IU.H!IM.' i'&1ig:"-T"-il""'"Jlv.-J;:lUjllH'iii ''"I sB JWEWSbi I ror infut3 ami Children. PlSTQ&IJI 3TI.8 Kind You Have I , - -" 1 Always Bought I sliiulnlliitfltioIxl.iuitlic'.Jtila W ff ling Ihc Stomachs nuill Unvote of m .jjQQJ'g tll6 ff . ' r- 1 Signature ftW m Promotes Digeslion.Cliccruil- ff 0 Wf nessnnilHesU'ontiiliwni'illKT np ff r 0 M Opliim.Mui (ilmn nor Mmcrul. 01 Mj IH TtTOl'TiAltCOTIU. AlWti jiKearoM nrxwrutmaiai R V sl JnyJiut Srri' . Iffi A IX V HlV AUSmHA I : Tkl a BH Kk,iu.uu-. I w) OtuA a . H Aw .tw t 1 Ff A Mil 9 in HI Jly,nv,l . Ijf f ft la H 111 mSfj- I iB 1 1 !Jn HI CtmbtJ Hrfr I m XmV uT SJSJ H ApcrTcclltemcily 1'orConsllp.i Jr I V y UOU lloiv.SourStomarli.Dintrlioai I hj M Wurnis.Coimilftums.rovrrisli 'Jt I M B"s flitrkio ncssnmlLosHOi-Slei!i. 8 y iul uVui Facsimile Siijiinlure eT W H -rSLr i TllirtV Years I H EXACT COPY OF WRAPPED. fl I 1 r4l Q YJ ft 1 M I Mi VMS CIHTAUn IIHMin, Hl TOM OITT. J THE COMFORTER I A congested vein ptesslnc on a nerve accounts for the swelling, throbbing aohe of H I Neuralgia I I St. Jacobs Oil I I frees the circulation, allays the pressure and soothes away the pain. H V Pries, 35o. and 50c. tM U$ Cross W. L. Douglas I eoH1 fP)llnnftt W.L.OouKlns $4.00 Cllt EdKO Lino H IUU L2)UlilH& cannot hooqunllod ntnny price B !s the. name of the bluing j-ou rYcts,sL ? w LLI am looking for. AkIi your irl5r ft-j. . 53 LH gToeer. He hells It. KeiiiemlKT jKa VH i f7 tho name A large 2-oz. pack- Sjf "n )5lV I c is 1 agu for only ft eenUi. After B-I''V ivSp H you heo your clothes H Tjwj&tf V r"( Sk al Sbkojw White rfflj C I madowiby KIIDCIIO.SS llAIJi I, J'm&''"ti C&JT- si III.U1J you will want no other. WSKK " wsrifT&Cr ol Wicrr P T TheGamiaTOWERS 4fe-J: NSS I rK TriirtTWfrVinct W TBiyti.i.Jlll.. ,'" i , niL POrHlfcL .IWI LAHMAKLSAMItrUa H ,MSr ir 1 ui -- nr MTH'xta. nn tntics than M tiliftj r C1I fc'TrtTIGO ANY OTUUt MANUI AOIUHCtt. B W.hL JUSMHlADVtRilSED OlU,UUU disp.o.t this itittffifst H I lHr yP nm nlfilrVo? W. I. I).,ugli l so show l,. by Ihelr ei. I Ii,m-1 ViJ AND JOU) FOR A crllrnt llr . v lltllnu, nj .urrr..rrilnt iTlvJIVl OUA2UR OP A CtNIURY iulill.,,lnr.Ulieliirfl lolsnyJ.u Im tm I t IKfc All iu In Hie witrlJ. Ihry are lutt boJ t &H iKV'JCA I utJ,V ni,nhV.nnni- thmelhil cn.t ).,u J5 oil lii J? Oil-llie imly ' ( sVTLa I 't"Vvc-?i- WATFPPPnnF i!H"r.iKelt IhiM.fkr, II I rimld lake jmi Inla V WK flfcA. futlst ll tT"""MJUI my Uctnry al HriKkton, Matt., the larrtil In M ill(W' ' I I ' ' ' rintHIUP ' world umlr 0110 nail making men's Una kH W$pii,y4r2Vl 'A'fMlJW LLUiniriU, sln, anjliiiwnu therarewllli wlil.tiewry H V.iB V) li i. null, 0r tk ia it lalrolCli,uilinl,iwsl,iiJ, m,wuM rrallia H Sk 1 tf !lli Ci? i why W. U Don la. J.J.WI iocs are Hie beil B M tf- MUlll'vmtl&cKorj'Caow. ,h.,rr,K)iii-f lln lhe.,rld. V ' full (UdMnteed UI1 sol4 1 IllcuulJaliowxni Ihcdllltrtncebctwrrntha H Ok reUl dVr irrrKne 1"1? in"Je ,n "V lacli.ry and Iho.o l ntlur M Vrfl nr in IUU nijkaa, mi woulil unilanland why lionilai KH 0 .,.., TV.? -rtir firn j 5o ihiwa cihI mure tu makr, w hy ttiey hold mW SIGN Or TME r 1511. their liar. lit hrlltr. wrar lonsrr, and i l H tjtb uuiiiiri,i., A J TOn'ia CO graaltr lnlrlnl alue than any elbrr JJ.50 H TW1Swflt,cAM U CafliiriSfuiS: sho on Ihe market ln-d). B i I VI. L. Dnunlnm Ft run a Matlo Slioafai H Man. $7.aa, SS.UIK Uaya' Snliaal A ,. . 0 . . .-, , a,oamStMoa,SZ.BlI,$X,SI.7B,St.r.U H F L, U F F-RUOS , cautiqn.-ii''iii -w.j. i- M In aluM-a I ikti ii i anloittutrt V.rtfl h,iiiIii jLaM IIIOII DltAIIC AM" IIKVKlf-lllt.i: Millmul liUniiiiiaainl ila aianiprdiHilioitiim H itiil frnm ' il in". Iimrnlrs WtMI'll, Hi.nl. liTlni-i.Tl"wn 1iit LL anil llruwla ( hi-nill. ( ultklna, i;to V I. k.inla Ml a nro ml ,M l'nll linn i,f SSB Frflsbl paid noi a iHinplea t-mt lri-a f..r lini ll"ii umiii reuat H , it-.t- r 11 tVADIC '"' e"'" f '' ; will n't ' trnnf H t LiJ t C-KWU H U K It a wru fr II rll Catalog nf fall Slrlei. CMVYRe b Tempi "i SH I.aka CIU. run IV. I., II(M.(IIM, llrm Ulmi, 3tn.. H lmteDer 'l'tionc lu lli-ll 1'Iiodb M uJMULj fB 'FMTQ FDfl PnfiriT "''" : Thompson's Eye Water I I A I Ll I UI IIUI I I Wnen Answering Advertisements M jf"" VrlfPMTuEoCIrpNo,.NV.EINT,ON Kindly Mention This Paper. MASON, ILNnlCKA UnRLNCb, PatnlLaw)tri, ' M VSBhlnaton. D, 0., EktobllHhoU IBUI. w u LniNo .14 lOOB a Sect ..r..iir llrd AnnlrerMrylrMll . bin .1, w , W. N. U bnlt LaKo-NO. -. IUOO. inv I mi.iriliiia f Mi i lii,i ai II eiitcnt- li. frr LJM SUl. Iliail.(n-at inil tlmim-udr ,l pa-l-nn.l i i ruui VB CT . fBH UiuiiuuukatluM sousilaiiiiai W rlu ua lu ugr raJii8af?Tny6fei5Tlir;ir3flY1fRl !nj3 H 1 j'vT. tni tint ll list Mill., iv aH Coney Island Souvenir Post Cards. Jfrjr '"'"" h'.''y'',"".'!"'.,w, tj, sH nu iHiauiir, " i -.i I - Coney lalontf Etogj'J 'i'tV!) I ,' li f.fr wTgTlSfMil H Poatu, CmU LOi, Cor-y lalaiiil, H. V. arf Is WM |