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Show CONVCrtT TAKEN AT HIS WOrtD. Man Evidently Thought Much Destitution Destitu-tion Was Due. One Sunday evening many winters ngo. during a revival meeting In n church In Ilnngor Mo, n certain tltl-ren tltl-ren who wns well known ns a hard bargainer, bar-gainer, and against whom many had grievances, was evidently touched by the spirit of the meeting, for honroso and told of his regrets ns to his sinful ind selfish life, h.iylnK thnt ho wns re-nolved re-nolved to deal Justly and live uprightly, upright-ly, nnd. If there wns nny one within ho sound of his voice who felt thnt he had wronged him and would como to Sis home the next day ho would make restitution The next morning nbciut 1 o'clock the midnight quiet of his neighborhood was broken by n veiy loud knocking Dn his front door, nnd a voice which showed much Impatience nsked, "Hallo, "Hal-lo, you, down there' Who nre jou 7 Whnt do jou want?" To which the voice of a well known Joker replied. "Ii s me -Jim Hrown. 1 wns down to the church tonight nnd henrd whnt jou suld about pnjlng bnck what jou had got by cheating, so as 1 wanted to be sure to get mj slime I thought I would como nround early and get ahead of the crowd " |