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Show I THE OLD 'CROSS-ROAD From "Down Country Lnnoe," by Byron WllllomB 4s' Como with mo by tho old cross road That leads to Undo Dill's Down thin wny through n dreamland filled With pcaco that Gol Instills! Follow mo by tho winding rut Whoro baby rabblu play, Deep and far In tho fragrant dell With brook-splashed roundelay! Como with mo wherotho moo-cows drink; Ayo! drink unto their fill-Down fill-Down tho road, past tlio stubblo field Where pipes tho whip-poor-will! Goldenrod and tho sumac red Aro banked In bright array, Decs, n-buzz, hum n drovrsy Btraln, Throughout tho cross-road way! Take my hnnd o'er tho rock-strewn gulch And on to Undo Hill's This is Ufa In a pnrudlso t That thrills nnd thrills and thrills! Oh, far gift but to keep my heart A-llll with cross-road Joy, Inccnso puro of tho days when I Was Just a country boy! |