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Show ('mis Kur I'altrrn, All the leal artistic taste thnt tins Im'oii expended oil the guidance of our people bus lint been nble sensibly to ebcik the 1-1-iige for pntliru. When one goes Into the drawing-rooms of many persons, neither III olf nov III educated, hiiiI turning one's eyes wearily wear-ily nbout from patterned curiwts, patterned pat-terned ruis. pullet'iied walls, pal tcrued chairs, path rued ehnlr-bncks, patterned china, tlni'.s absolutely 110 quiet surfneo to rest Uhiii, on realises re-alises with envy tlmt n sturdy In iltlfeienee to sense Impression Is still the (Mirtlon of not 11 few Kngllsh ihhi-pie. ihhi-pie. The Queen. |