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Show H WE MAKE TRAVEL! H: EASY. M The Slen of Safety, 8 pood and Com- M fort t 3 Trains Daily. 3 B From UTAH to R KANSAS CITY, ST. JOE, CHICAGO, H GALVESTON, EL PASO. B And tho Mining Camps of NEW MEX- B ICO AND AIUZONA. H Ask us about Cheap nates this Sum H c k. waiuien, H General Agent H The Atchison, Topaka & Santa Fe H Railway Company. Hj Salt Lake City, Utah N H To bo assured of a pleasant trip H oast, purchaso your tlckots via tho H Illinois Central Rail- H road H from Omaha to Chicago B First-class sorvlco also between H, Omaha and M'aucnpolln and Chlcaito H and 8L Louis, as well as all points In H tho South and Southeast H For full Information call on ur write BBB' BB J. A. FOLEY, H Commercial Agent. B No. 76 Wnst Second Kouth Street H JPnrouflh Servlo I I st7loijis I IEAST I I MtssoinrPACCFiG I H RAILWAY 1 1 COLORADO 1 H H KVccTRta FAit. I H H RroumH chair CAM BBH Bjt . MMfl' ril, nil i BBBJ Bj WfO0Ttt 'DAT COABH'1. H H ijwibvt war. !, I I 11 I BBBf V- """""yfy!1 M 7 ' rSABBBBBBBBBBBflBBBfl JR. E. C. FAIRWEATHER, s ttTtodiiis r, ond C Walker llnnk I)ulld-5j W Ing, Salt I.nko City G 3Wlth Dr. Hector Grlswold for th past three years. S 4.iiiiifi;.iin(i,lilij.;;i('JS!WJ9."!'') R. H. Officer & Co., f Assayers and Chemists. s 169 8. W. Tomplo BL, Salt Lakeg City. " Wrlto for Mailing 8aeks. g 1 F. M. BISHOP, 1 5 AB8AYER. 120 W. Jnd South, Salt Lako Clty.g g Opposlto Fostofllco. S 6 Mailing Sacks Furnished. g B CYRUS G. GATRELL v " " 5 5 Attorney & Counselor. 8 - A S 419 D F Walker nutbUne, X I Salt Lako City. I txiXiXixixteiiWjtjJiiww'i" ii(si(iXixai)5 THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. We Buy, 3ell and Trade Real Estate. Wo havo a largo list of farms and city property, vucont aud lmprovod, ehoapor than any other linn Call and boo us. G3V4 West Second South St, dt Lako City THE KEELEY CURE. Drunkenness Cured. A poslt-vo and pormanent euro fof dronkonnoss and tho opium diseases. There U no publicity, no sickness. Ladles La-dles treated as prhntely as at their own homes The Keeloy Instltuto. 334 W. So. Tempi" Salt L"e City, UUh. WINDSOR. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Salt I.nko City. Located In the heart of the city. Rates Reasonable. Light, olry, clean rooms. First-class In ovory respect Steam heat, Klectrtc Lights, OLADSTONB HOTEL, Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. 11 South Main Strcot Salt Lake Cltj Nsatly furnished Rooms by tho Day, Week or Month I Rates, CO cftits to $1 GO por day. Special rates by tho day. woolc or 1 month . ja While In Salt I-nke got your xcoth I fixed at THE EASTERN PAINLESS DENTAL COMPANY. First-class work, a full guarantee and courteous trcatmont to alL ' Ndl a fow of our prlcos, Full set of tcoth, S5.00. Solid gold crown, 22k., 35.00. IlrldKO work for tooth, 34.00 Absolutely painless extraction. Rooms 9, 10, 11, 12 Galon a Block. Entrance, 69 II Second South. t I J Til our Fine Selection of 1 ! J PIANOS. 3 II ". I. o hnc nilded tho Chase & Daker J Piano Player, Victor Talking J Machines, vvith a choice selec- J tlon of the Lates an'd Best Rolls and Records. 3 Beesley Music Co. 5 .Jj'l'lio Popular Music Housn, 4C Sn I x Main St., Salt Lnko City ! BBb Bell Tel 755 Ind Tel. 755 DR. ALVAH LEWIS. SALT LAKE PRI VATr . -.-. BBH i.i.iiwh - BBb1 jbss& &u BBB VlZrh " Si-Ki (Ti SPifirJS1 I - toSss.' yJfacwBBmmm & M Special Attention given 8URGICAL and OBSTETRICAL CASES. BBS TUB ONLY STiUCTLY I'ltlVATR HOlMTAl IN THK STATR No. 352 n. 1st Bontb. BBj Salt Lako City. H Pil,lllMSSWSSliSSSSSSlSlMlllliSsliSilSSSSSSllSSSlSSSllSlSSSSiSSSlSSSSSi.MSSlSSSSSSMiiMSl.SllSSSMSMSlS H 'TAYLOR, ROMNEY, ARMSTRONG CO. B Wholesale and Retail I LUMBER 8 DEALERS H; Corner South Temple and 2d West St. . H . SALT, L3,K,E CrjX , - , -, . UTAH, BBBBBBV1 BBBBBBB l l I J It The Rock Island System now offers a X choice of five dally trains from Colo- -J J rado to Eastern paints. THREE of x them are for Omaha and Chicago, and J J the other TWO for Kansas City and J J St. Louis. The equipment is new and x . up-to-date and a dining car on every 3 j train.. All leave at convenient hours. I, "Let us figure on your trip." ." A folder and full Information from 2 og'ftL;DREW' General Agent, E. DRAKE, Dlst. Pass. Agent.2 -, 800 17th 8treet Denver Colo. G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agt.,-2 . - or 100 West 8econd South 8t., J A BBBBBBrwtls7?PBBBBBBBLBii iimLbbBBBBBBBBBBB4BbIIBb'il?Ib9B bbb9I0vbP3bI H S19VsVsP9snfiirAv PiiBisJ8BTI BlBMjSjhj .'-ftuP.AjrJZiUJssHi THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE POUTH 3 FA ST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN I OODEN AND DENVFT? J CHOICE OF ItODTBS. THROUGH PULLMAN AND TOURIST SLEEPERq J FHOM OQDBtl OR SALT LAKB J TO ST. UOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OP CARS J . Freo ReclInlDfc- Chair Cars. DInlnir Car J Service a la carta oa all through train. ' SdNM " UlMlrWd Bookfeureti; 1 i L A. BENTON, G. A. P. a SALT LAKE PITY, UTAH j .- XX TO CALIFORNIA it AND ITS FAMOUS SUMMER RESORTS. X 1 x LOS ANGELES. f-? CATALINA. X OCEAN DEACHES. WKW'rriJ ORANGE GROVES. tt XX SAN PEDRO. Z0&Cy PASADENA. 4- - DIRECT TO CORONADO TENT CITY. - frli'illVcstlljul,'l Trains JoaYQ Salt, Iiko Qlty p:.10 p. nj. dnjly. .Ob-t. . sorvnUdn, Drawing Hoom nnd Stindnrd Pullman Sleeper, Tourist mhV"- "! Dining Car. 4- FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR. "--- As,c nearest agent for Information on Pacific Coast Excursions, or--4 wrlto to J. L. Moore, Dlst. Pas. Agent, Snn Pedro, Los Angolcs & Salt""" 2 Lako n. It., Salt Lako City. . f" i " REMEMBER, IN F1CURINC YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THB Oregon Short Line i ' "3 RAILROAD i i . I i i . mrrm D. E. DVRLEY, B T1D3 D0IDCT CONTtECTION VTTH TUB "sOsi! UNION TACIFIC Hi ' . i. ,-v.MBM THE OVERLAND IIOOTBJ J Vy mat b tkh roruLAK KOuTSTOAUrcBiBrr II 1 M " IH SPEED ' OTT MET OFFICE comfort HI SAFETY ?.?. T TNION PACIFIC .AtTLBcrtr. Unexcelled FrogressivU VTAH. V THa OVERLAND ROUTD) Name Your j j I Route East X On your noxt trip Enst loll your local ticUot ngont that your ticket to Chicago must read via 'ie '" tiChicago,Milwaukee&St.Paul; tZZ' Railway I f You will do yourself a kindncfis, securing tho inuxi- 4 imiiii amount of comfort at the minimum cost. Don- bio daily train servico from Ogdon to Chicago and j from Donvor to Chicago. Unto in through stooping cars, Ogdon to Chicago, standard, $0.50; tourist, 4 Elders nnd complete Information freo. Any ticket agent 4 M H can ticket on i:ast via this lino. Ask hlra to do ' I" . C. S. Williams, Commercial Aent, 4 X Salt Lake City. , III iiibm UU - 4 4 44.4.l ! ""'sbssMBI i |