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Show o AUTUMN EXCURSIONS TO LAS VEQA8. Autumn Is tho Ideal weather nt La-Vegas, La-Vegas, Nevada, tho now town on the Salt Lako Route, nnd In response to n demand special oxcurslon rates have boon put Into effect on various dates up to Octobor 20th for tho low round trip ralo of 30. In addition to tl o In torest surrounding this now and Uirlv Ing town, It should bo remnp iptoi that It Is tho gateway to tho tamou gold fields of Novndn. Spo nny ngont of tho San Pedro, ti Angelos & Salt l.nko railroad, whr will 13 glnd, to ticket you. or call Vo 17 W. 2nd South strcotboth phones 1SSC, Salt Lake Clly, Utah. . |