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Show Local & News Itens OUR NEIGHBORS AND OURSELVES i Tlicro has been n ipiUe n number of, blrlhi In Mcrinr receiilly increasing our census for ISIOfi. 3 A good showInK of ore Is reported, at the Stockton (i. M. nnd Milling' Company's proper! Ick. 5 M The recent ruin slorins were an nil around blessing In those parir. Mora would huvo been appreciated. S Perfect as n beverago or medicine Is 1. W. Harper Whiskey, the kind your grandfather iim-iI. Sold by Adams IS co. i Mr. Thus. Uebb, who loft Stockton on September 27 In search of workjj has secured employment nt Bingham City. b . o i J. M. I'owell and tumlly of Stockton lavo gone) to pastures new. The foi$ ner to lndlnii'inolls, lnd and tho latter lat-ter to tJllroy, Cal. 4 v' J Mr. Oscar Anntriou of Stockton bar, loeu unable to work far the Inst weeli in account of sickness, but his condl? tlon Is Improving. Jlrs. J. (1. Brumi i,i Stockton spenti covernl days .In SaltriLakulalt weOkJ It -of There Is cxmsli,erai,iL activity In tbo dd milling camp of Dry ('aii)ou and boho" now oiicratlug thero look for vnrd to u "boor" n"t summer. Mr. 1). W. Cull oi Slocl.lon, who left lion; mine time ago in nrch ot .vork. Is now located In Kurekn. where in hns futind luc-illv employmi-nt. J Jt Mr. nnd Mis. A. T. Andornou bnvc 'eturued homo to Stockton from their wedding tour nnd are now domcstl at oil In their new Imme In Stockton J -t Mrs. I). R. Williams or Stockton who hns been (-otillni'd lo hor bed fo-the fo-the past Huven weeks. Is beginning tr Impiovo. Wo hope her recovery wll !io rapid. wl Jt Mrs. M. A. Wulipilit. daugliler ol Mrs. (Jeoi-Ro Dt'iiton, ramo out tc Stockton from Salt Ijike Clly Wednos lay morning und expects to romnlr ioernl dnys. . ot Thw bottiim of tho luolluo shnlt oi liu Cyclone properly is now in u rock icily of lead oro. The abaft Is dowr Xi' feet, tbo last ten of which htm 'icon In tho vein. or ot Tho momboiM of tie Methodist chol if Mnrcur gtivo n surprlno on Mm Kyler. l-'rldny eveiiliig. The ovenlnr 'vus siient' In RiiiueH slid coiierilloti ncfieshnients w",n f'vved. Ot ot Contlderablo wheal Is being town In i'arowurt this hoisou hk It has been lemoiiNtniti'd thai It onii b r.ilst-l ruc cossfully and with considerable lesf IrrlKntlon than sirlng miwii crojiK ot Ot The Klrnmun or Morcur. of whom thwe arc no butter volitnteorM lo be found, hnd n great time nt their dance, Krldsy ovenlng. mid, (is Is. and should always be. tbo enso, n tlnnuclal sue ct-HM wns srorod. oi ot Mr. i:. R. Mackliison or Stockton surct-tHled In bagKlng twelve line snRe hens whllii on n hunting expedition last Sunday. He prcifars lo hunt deer (dc'iir), but claims not to lie ns sue-ctwufiil sue-ctwufiil In thut lino. vt ot Mr. .Ins. McKoudrlcK or Stockton was badly burned last week nnd wns ikon lo tho I.. D. S. hospital In Salt like city, whurn nl'l that medlciil nld can do Is licdnK dono for him. liu c-on-dltloii Is repoitiMl as Improiwl. ot ot A great tnnny In Amorlrnn ForK urn iisklng for n "CltUeiis' Tlnkot" and It Is noted Hint a majority of tho prlnoliwl mo-ors In tho will for u clt Unit,' tlokct nro lUipiibllcausftnnd the ' Ivn-Ji-rs ot that party aro verjrtaucji . ' TTluriii. d nr Hit inoii' and nro ilolm? Jul In tlu-lr iiowir to illMourapo II, im y nre iifiiiin ihui Mich n mini' will nipt tlu-lr rsiilx in mirb im vttit 'o nn-'iti u iiiiiiI(i(. lcior) fur the nicicrat- o ot Otll lilt I, hi 1 ,1) i-i i lot., (s WlM MKItl I In 111 tit Id In Amerlean lorl. iiml n tin. r ni tuyttl win I,,, on. wiiii u rd ticket, "('itlens' Tlrl.t'l," nltKi IliR Uir the Tralicl I'c or the oter. Itles Will llll,e, ,(. "liolllllK" In nt t-fitiK ot ot 'he Mum 'I nl Meienr In doing d wink tin st- il -t h. ,j,-, Wl.(.t NiP t'lur i Siilwtl guio a .ef Itilt-r-toting himI liM-'iifllxi lii'lure on lnn. Hlu liiiiulled her subject In 5lch k wax ik to t-huiN thai fht U ffilister of tiocthc'K great work. K .t oi KV UopubllcHU prlmnr) will be held W tbo Stociitou K'IkiiiIIiuiim'. Monday Gwilng. Oi tober ir.tii, ut a p. m., fop tab punt-he of noinlnatliii; cundlilutoi 0i the olIlct-B tf preldeiit nnd trns-jag trns-jag of the town or Stockton, mine Wfic elected Not ember "Mi. Wi. K o'oph miliar of "ophlr sit)s the cantp Is gradually picking up and tho onjlisil, U that good times are ahead, ijnro work Is going on than for u long Urio pan. The mill of the ophlr Kill etrtpanj has Just been plnced In fpo to handle a larger tonnage by addition of severnl Willie) tables gorlntendent IJ. W. Clark has Just completed u new and cozy home, nnd jmirythlug, so far us the Ophlr Hill jjeoncerned, Is suggestlv( or u long career of successrul opcrntlon. |