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Show ! Queer Things in TI. eaters of Japan Actors Pny Little Attention to Demnnds of tho "Art That Concents Art" Performances Last Entire Day. A Japanese, theatrical porformanco commencos generally at early dawn nnd lasts a do?eii hours Tho stngo occupies tho end of tho building from wall to wall. Oddly, the actors do not mako their appcarunco from tho sldo or the back (thero nro no wings), but strut along n narrow platform over tho heads of tho pit by means of Just Hiich a boarded footway as Is used by Kuropean conjurers I'alth-fill I'alth-fill to tho canon of no Illusion, the performers stand ready dressed lu n open plnco off the entrance lobby, whoro nil who come lu may see them. When they hear their cuo tuny push through n knot of loiterers nnd march to tho stage along tho platform, acting act-ing as they go Indeed, Importnnt portions of a sceno which demand a rapid oxlt aro frequently gone through upon this narrow footway and not on tho stago at all. The effect is apt to bo vory often unintentionally comic. In a Japanoso theater thero aro two tiers of boxes, tho lower of which Is provided with sliding paper doors, forming small rooms like bathing machines. ma-chines. Tho pit Is divided by low cross bars Into squares, reminding ono of tho cattle pens of old Smlthlleld, each capablo of holding four persons comfortnbly. A Japanese family bent on enjoyment engage a compartment for n day In n position suited to tho purse In the mlddlo of tho liouso. If well to do, nearer to tho stago or tho back, according to tho scarcity of coin nnd, having doposltcd clogs In tho nnte-room. tnko up a position with cushions, kottlo, tea-things, smoking-tray, smoking-tray, and never nunc, till midnight, unless un-less to pny somo visits to their frlonds. |