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Show I Railroad Uof, Checkmated at Own Game j Conductor Kvldently Hnd Met the Species Before nnd Welcomed' Opportunity to Mete Out I'un. ishment for Discourtesy. Paul Morton at a louumtlon of railroad rail-road mm mild of the railroad hog; "I wIkIi that all these men could bo treated as a certain Murlander unco was. "The Mar lander boarded a train with two arm loads of bund'os. Ho sat down mid piled his bundles bcsldo him. Then be opened a paper and began be-gan to rend In great comfort. "The car by degrees grow crowded. At Inst the only aeant scat was tho bundle filled one beside the Mnrjlnnd-ur Mnrjlnnd-ur Though scleral passengers hesitated hesi-tated lieHldo this Heat looking at the Marylandcr wlstfullj, he made no sign He would rather let tho people Bland than remote his goods. "Klnall) Koimoiie summoned tho conductor He hurried In nnd said',, 'Take donn thouc bundles, please, nt once Don t ou see, sir, that thero aro ladles standing all about ou?' The Maryland! r was n perfect example ex-ample of tho railroad bog. Ho sold In a blustering tone- " What Is the matter with ou7 Those bundles don't belong to me. Thoy belong to n man In tho smoker ' All right,' said tho conductor. 'I'll pile them up here, then, till bo comes ' "And he put the bundlcH In the rack overhead and gno tho acant Hint to a hub "The Man lander laughed becauso he bad not had to moo bis bundles himself, but when ho came to get off he did not laugh so hcnrtll). As bn was gathering his precious pile together to-gether the conductor hurried to hlra and said sternly "Don t touch those packages, sir. The) belong to a gentlemnn In tho smoking car' " Ah. whnt's the matter with ouT" snarled tho other. 'They belong to me' '"You snld they didn't. answered the conductor 'and 1 nm going to tnko ou nt jour word The oitl waj joti can get them Is to comn nnd Identify them nt our main office to-morrow.' " |