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Show Western Brevities 1 ; from the Many X Western States j tlMftttf Kansas City. Harry Hunter, Spokane, Spo-kane, went riding with two men and two women he never had seen before. Drinks were served. When be came to, he was mluus his roll of $120. Calexleo, CaL One man died and six are reported in a serious condition condi-tion from heat prostrations suffered j iu cantaloupe fields near here, when ; the apex of a heat wave was reached, ! with a temperature of 118 degrees. Beaumont, Texas Chesson well No. 10 in the Orange field, In Which a I heavy gas flow has been, burning, is ' teported to have Ignited adjoining oil wells, threatening a large part of the field. Anchorage, Alaska. ' Following a month with practically no rain, forest fires in districts about this city art taxing the forces of the United States forestry bureau. Denver. For the first time in history, his-tory, according to United States biological bio-logical survey officials here, wild dogs have Invaded the slate ot Colorado and are seriously menacing sheep and cattlo in the vinclnity of Ilotchklss. Omaha, Neb. .Suit fur $50,000 dam. ages alleging conspiracy to keep him out of employment was filed in district dis-trict court here by Sylvanus L. Merlca against a local union. Salt Lake City. Shortages have been definitely fixed at $11,238.43 in the accounts of S. W. Ross, cashier ot the state land office, now serving a prison term tor his defalcations. Ross has adready made good $377.50 leaving a deficit ot $10,800.87. , Boise. Mrs. Ann Folden, was received re-ceived at the Idaho state penitentiary from Bonner's Ferry in the "panhandle," "pan-handle," to begin a sentence of one to two years for persistent prohibitory prohibi-tory law violation. Lincoln, Neb. Two bandits held up the cashier of the State bank at Walton, Neb., and escaped in an automobile, au-tomobile, according to information. The amount of their loot was said to be about $2500. Omaha, Neb. Reduction in carload westbound freight rates from Chicago territory and from Omaha and Intermediate Inter-mediate points to the Pacific coatf were announced by F. W. Roberson, freight traffic manager of the Union Pacific svstem. Glen wood Springs, Colo. Mrs. S. J. Speyer, Kansas City, Mo was killed here when struck by an automobile. auto-mobile. The woman's husband alt? was struck, but was not seriously In Jured. Ely, Nev. A manslaughter yerdlct was returned by the Jury In the case of Zackle Self, charged with shootlnc Harry Myrlek on the night of May 14. Denver Bert Cole, widely known aviator, and George Lawley, his mechanician, me-chanician, were instantly killed here when their airplane crashed from n height estimated at 2500 to 3000 feet Omaha, Neb. Crazed by liquor aBJ angered because his son Ralph had taken his sisters and mother mo. torlng, Baffaele Bonacct, 58, fracture-his fracture-his wife's skull with an axe, and trlexl to attack his sol, who escaped him Kansas City. Christopher Glrdons 10, was killed wtlle cranking his fs ther's auto. The boy was hurled t the pavement ind suffered a fray tured akull when the car back fired Aberdeen, S. D. Ten persons an said to have perished and scores o' othera were lnjared when a tornad laid waste wide stretches of prosper ous forming country. Salt Lake City The price of sugai took another drop of 20 cents a bft' on the local market Tuesday, follow, lng information that a similar reduc tlon had been made In San Frnnclscr Cheyenne, Wyo. Governor W. I! Ross Issued a call for special session of the Wyoming legislature, beginning July 16, to renact on amended state farm loun act. Leavenworth, Kan. Elybt of twen-ty.four twen-ty.four I. W. W. members who re-ccntly re-ccntly received commutation of their sentences from President Hardin; were released from the federal penl tentlary tins wees. Provo, Utah. Transcontinental "knights of the road" will find Provo a good place to leave out of their itineraries if the occasion arises wherein the edict issued by Judge James B. Tucker is put into effect Ilexhurs. Idaho-Paul Harris, ng 5, had the flesh torn from his arm when he caught that member In his mother's power ringer. Stockton, Cnl. Four men were killed in gun battles at Tracy, eighteen eigh-teen miles south of here duriP quiirrell between themselves and a fourth, who escaped injury. Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. J. II. Toyahara, Japnnese, spoke sharply to nere himbsnd. H slammed the door and went out. Fearing he had gone for good, she sttetnpted to cut ou the tonsue which had offended Mm MCi-uiiJlng to the police, and then stal bed herself. |