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Show THE UTAH BUDGET It Im ti)'lli-vt-t Unit $i.roo.ntio Ih n ronservativn elnnate of tin' value of k full fruit rmim in t'tnli county. Sixty four ciuloiulH of cuttli wre lilipcil from Mo Icn.i durlin; tin' 'iMt pck. aKrcKaOm; Ioh- to 2.001) In-acl. A NI..oft'llV il.lH lll'CII CStallllNllfll kt Winn, Ktncr)' county, which will Hfrve pntroiiM f inm ily Hci'vil at Hie Itoncta ofr.ee. Kva I ; vl.t will be jxiBtnilBtrcttH. A liolxt lr!nkhik' fi-sl I val in thf railroad yanU at If 1 Ik'ihiii Cl'y came U a midden hi i In 11 one of the jiarty of four dli d tsuddiMily from uu evwdoho of otrohol. I'aul K.itlih and Nick lllko.ltch, AiiHtrlaiiH, liccarnc Involved in an altercation al-tercation at Ulnhum nnd Katlch ululibcd ltiko.ltch with a knife, Indict-Iiik Indict-Iiik a daiiKeroim wound In the right ilde. While running a plow on afreet work t I'ark City, James Archlhahl was In Home inanrier thrown umler the plow, HUKtaininK I'lilnful lirulHCH. al-thoiiKh al-thoiiKh his ItiJurlcK are not regarded ai neriouB. I'lali will ah!p I'ihi earn more fruit thin year than In 1 D 10. This In duo to the Inerrawri aTeai;e that will eotno Into iH-nrltiK which will nnn h more than offset tin- Inns from the nritiK frost. Fred I). !af.'iR and ItrntM MorriHon were convlcled on "wh te nlavry" rhaien at Rait Ijike City The nien were i-onvlcted f nbductliiK a Salt Lake plrl !nmi her home and ptacliiK her In an Immoral resort Two hundred CIiIcmko phyplcl.ins, who arrived In Salt I-ake Saturday Satur-day en route to the annual convention conven-tion to he held In Ixm AiiKfle. were Informally entertained by a number of Salt Lake physicians during their tay In the city. fYdlowIng an lllncHu of several week from ehronle liver trouble John Condron, sixty-two years of ag ', proprietor of the Cullen hotel, SaM Lake, died Saturday. Mr. Condron wan one of the bent known hot ! nin hi the west. The Wonderlte Clay Manufacturing eompany Is bMng organized to manufacture manu-facture various products from the highly kaollnlded rhyollte, locally 1' known as "wonderlte," which was din- rovered In cloao proximity to Modena everat years ago. A number of Murray citizens, backed back-ed by the Murray Commercial club, re planning to form a company fot - -Mhe purpose of promoting th building build-ing a big hothouse, where It la Intended In-tended flowers Rhall be grown to sap-( sap-( ply Ihe Salt Lake mark't. The Kaysvllle city council has d elded that the ordlnanee against the ale or exploding of any kind of fireworks fire-works will be rigidly enforced bore-after, bore-after, and the dealers have been notified to that effect, thus Insuring a quiet and peaceable Fourth of July. la an effort tu prevent the rapid spread of p?ach tree fungus through-. through-. out Weber eoubty. the horticultural Inspector has Issued warning to all peach growers stating that the fungus fun-gus Is developing mi rapidly on the peaches that it Is deemed necessary to spray at once. The eighteen months'-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson of Kk4ifild, died after a two days' ill-nous, ill-nous, brought on by Its having drunk lye. The lye can was Kitting on the top of an old cellar and the child managed to g t hold of It without the mother's knowledge. According to the county fruit tree Inspector, the peach fungus has made Its appearance In the orchards of Ho F.lder county. While the disease Is confined to one or two localities now. It does not take long for It to spread, and the inspector advises orchardlsts to fight the fungus right now. - After experimenting for iumiIv three months for exterminating the alfalfa tear weevil In Ctah. A. II. Klrkland of the bureau of entomology, t'nlted States department of sericulture, sericul-ture, has come to the conclusion that burning Is abmt the most effective mean of getting rid of the pet. Owing to the completion of Irrigation Irriga-tion project by the government rec tarnation service and by private corporations, cor-porations, new responsibilities havo been laid upon the weather bureau. The observers must now take accurate accur-ate snow measurements for the benefit ben-efit of the users of irrigation water. f From the fact that Moab's neighbor, Mootlcello, Is preparing a big celebration celebra-tion on Independence day, the festlvl- m ties at Moab will be -onflned to sports 4 for the youngsters and a program for the older folks. The field sports will be postponed until Pioneer day, when ' a mnster celebration will be beld. There are more than f.'XI delta- X quent poll tax payers In Ogden at the present tin', many of whore are gr, Bmpkye4 men who would willing ou If work out their taxes, but who have (it ot tha money with wlilcb to settle de la cash according to the law. Hugh Atherly. agd 1J. of Provo. m was shot la the back of the head by boy companion, but not srrkwsly !"' Injured. Young Atherly wounded a " bird and ran to get It ahen his B aompaiilon picked up the gun and l(( tired at tha bird. The charge struck ro Atherly. |