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Show MIS MING The Empire Copper company Is low employing 300 men in its mine it Mackay, Idaho. Mines of Tonopah the past week produced a total of 10,307 tons of ore, ralued at ?211,4S6. Shipments of ore from Tintic last .veek totaled 2,047 tons valued at S0,000. This is compared with 2.600 ons the previous week valued at aoo.ooo. On present operations of plants in .his county American Smelting & Reining Re-ining is earning approximately 10 per ;ent a year on the common shares, says the Boston News Bureau. All its records went by the board ji June when the Miami Copper company com-pany produced 3,740,42U pounds of popper at an average cost of 8.32 ;ents a pound, says the Boston News Bureau. More than 2,000 employees of the Montezuma Copper company at NTacozari, Sonora, are without employment em-ployment because the plant was forc-sd forc-sd to close down last week through inability to obtain coal. During nine working days, Inclusive pf July 15, the Silver King Consolidated Consoli-dated of Park City shipped out 1,260 tons of ore from which the returns were $60,680. That is within $3,000 pf a whole quarter's dividend requirements. require-ments. ' According to the Boston News Bureau, a new selling level for cop-pec cop-pec has been found at from 19 iown to 19 cents a pound. Fully 15,-)00,00Q. 15,-)00,00Q. pounds were sold during the past few days at these' prices by pro-iucers. pro-iucers. The golden Age property at Pio-aeervllle Pio-aeervllle has been taken over by H. B. LaClear of Lansing, Mich. The price is fifty thousand dollars, of which twelve thousand dollars has been paid, the balance to be paid in three years. The temporary lull in the sale of copper the last few weeks has not discouraged the producers. Over 200,-300,000 200,-300,000 pounds were sold during the month of June, and most of the mines have contracted that output for the next three months. Within the next week or ten days the Mammoth Mining company will commence the shipment of several thousand tons of dump ore, which Is located on an old mill site in the Tin-tic Tin-tic valley, some distance to the southwest south-west of the Tintic camp. Production of the camp of Tintic last week totaled 193 carloads of ore. This is estimated at 9,650 tons, valued val-ued at $240,000. It is compared with 161 carloads the previous week. This is the heaviest production week for the camp in about two years. There were twenty-two shippers in all. - According to the Lovelock News Bureau, the fourth bullion shipment since the mill was started late in April was made last week. .' It consisted con-sisted of 45 bars of silver and gold amounting to $2-8,000 from a fifteen-day fifteen-day run, bringing the total of production produc-tion from this very efficient plant to $120,000, Alaska's gold production in 1914 was valued at $15,764,250, an increase of $140,000 over the previous year, figures made public by the geological 3urvey showed. Production of copper amounted to 21,450,628 pounds, against 21,659,958 in 1913. The total mineral output was $19,118,980, compared com-pared with $19,476,356 in 1913. While the price of copper has been slightly lower during the past week than earlier In July, the indications are that the average for the month will be fully up to that of June, 19.477 cents per pound. The average price for the first half of the month will be above that figure, but the present price will bring the average down slightly. The Lost Packer smelter at Loon Creek, Idaho, started up recently and Is now employing twenty-five men, says the Challis Slessenger. It has a large amount of ore out ready to put through the smelter. Ore from the Lost Packer mines, besides gold, runs a very high per cent in copper and with the present good market price for copper it has revived mining for this metal. Reports have been persistent during dur-ing the past few days that the Kenne-cott Kenne-cott Copper corporation, which was recently organized, is about- to acquire ac-quire the Mother Lode Copper Mines company of Alaska. It has been learned that the Kennecott company now has prospectors going over the property of the Mother Lode In order to ascertain its true value, with the prospect of acquiring the property. It is reported that there Is mors mining activity in and around the Did camp of Marysvale, Utah, than Tor many years. The alunite beds are being opened and construction work contemplates new mills for refining, the old Annie Laurie is shipping several sev-eral carloads of rich ore, the Wedge has been marketing some sensational values and there is considerable other activity in old mines and new prospects. pros-pects. Workmen are engaged in grading the site for a new mill at the Bonanza mine, situated on Winnemucca mountain, moun-tain, in Nevada, and owned' by the Winnemucca Mountain Mining company. com-pany. The steel structure is on the ground, having been recently hauled from Golconda. It is reported from Washington :hat a new postal ruling will prohibit the shipments of ore through the United States mail9. The new order will charge 1 cent a pound, or $20 a ton on ore In the 300-mile zone. Thlr n most cases will be prohibitive. |