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Show CONQUEST OF GREAT Tlrre. Patience nd Perteverance Required Re-quired to Establish Hcire in Many of New Districts. In i , ry ai'i iii l to cmvi rt i!i i rt ln'i.l into fnilMul llcli's th.Tc N ,i li:'i.M'inM pcrio,) winch Hum i". h'.' Kc"!s to til., irmosi. The tt.-irn't 18 1 "' " 'lu " i'"t to ailovv f.m.'l i s . nil. li 1. 1 I,, , , lalillxh hnllli S 111 l! , ,! .; '" il ' pc iisli. It U true a new it'l li;;,!, , (liMn, t iniv lint lie a !, 11111 " i ' I.IM l Hl.ill to il Hint It r i.iiM K tin,,., pn'ience mi. I n. If denial to , Mahliiih hum, R (., , pi,,. , 'I lu re is S(, inn, , to he done Willi fin liule I., Ip and iiiniicv thai the Io.im si h' ..i'i; ,UJ1i !.iie ta.k Is oinplet, ,. it was coin.aratUi Iv asv for our forefatl,, rs to , stal.lish hum. s III the heavily wood, ,1 huh, h of the Atlantic seaboard. ntll Hti , ,,s,.r flir those who lirst nettled on tie prairhi hind or H,e Mississippi vallev. rit est ; S. Fouler in the Fi, , and Farm. ll.ise ti en had to (mounter ih, liters j and hardships, hut the ultmine, f their livelihood from the no!) was ran Icr than the task which confronts for the lirs! ynr or two the dcitlcr on a desert farm. The most prolltjil,!,. crops on an Irrigated Ir-rigated farm repine time to mature The land for vineyards for example i must he first thoroughly prepared he j fore the plants arc set In the groin"!, then from two to three years must elapse before any return can be (X juried. Meanwhile, the expenses of cariiiK for the vineyard have 'lo tie no t. The same Is true of all de Idu cms orihatds with the difference that a loii-er period Intervenes hetw.-in the time of plant inn and profitable returns. re-turns. The staple crop of the west Is alfalfa, but he who expccls a heavy yield the tlrsl season after planting It Is loo often doomed to disappointment. disappoint-ment. The new settler with limited imam lias to confine his efforts during the llrst season to the HcrdinK of s i all Ia-ches of pram and the planting of vi .'etahles. lly decrees he can work Into the more protltnble crops, such ns alfalfa, orchards and suiMir foccM but at first he must he content with min h smaller k turns. This Is the tiansitlon period which marks the JiassliiK of the desert condi! Ions and the Introduction of jirolliablc crops under Irrigation If there Is ever a time when a new settler needs Ik lp It Is during this per'od. The outlay In both labor and money for buildings, faun niulpmi'iit, Irrigation dilch s and the jiroper jirepnrallon of the land Is unusually fcit;h while the returns from the soil are eorrespondliiKly small. |