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Show ! ACADEMY NOTES. Lilian Thompson, Reporter Saturday, February I'.'itli, the Hratich Normal School of Cedar City will play the Mill. ird Slake Academy, Monday, February 27th, Murdock Academy will play Millard Slake Academy, both games to be played at Hinckley. We invite all to come and see the games, and also attend a big dance alter each. Saturday, February 1Mb, Oak City Senior Team played Millard Stase Academy, the scon- being I: lo 1 1, in j lavor ol the Academy. The Oak City boys cojitesied every inch ot thu ground. A d.iiice was given alter Uie game and al! agreed that it was one ol the best, ol the season. Friday, February 2ltli, the Academy ! will present the piay "Kio Uraude" ; wnli an excellent cast. "Itio (irande " is a thrilling play ol Western Holder l.ile with uiillaggiug interest. It Is i nil ot bright i lc an tun, and roaring j comedy situations, alternate with I thrilling pathetic scenes. The cos- uiinen are direct lroui Salt Lake and jure tiie must elaborate. The Spanish j costumes are especially picturesque. I Last week the Wallets Stock Coni-j Coni-j pany appeared here in a number of ' plays. Wednesday night "Corianlon,' the Hook of Mormon play, was presented pre-sented to tile largest house ever assembled as-sembled In tin; Academy. The excel-j excel-j lehi presentation ol tins classic play i wurtauted the good turn out. Mr. Wallers has assembled around him actors of superior quality, such us Is ' seldom In our smaller towns. His ' Company will always get a royal wel-1 wel-1 como from tb Academy. Sister Hetiry was unable to attend school Monday on account of sickness. Hy special invitation Dro. Moeiich held a meeting at Oasis Sunday, where a large and appreciative audience greet- ed him. i i There has been a slight change in the different class rooms of tho Aca-! Aca-! ! demy, the southwest room formally ! occupied by liro. Iilack is now being ! used as the music room for which pur-i pur-i pose it was built, liro. Iilack taking the sewing room and the domestic art department being moved down stairs ' ' in tiie southwest room which was for-! for-! merely used as a music room. The ' i '-liaiige has made It more convenient for all. ' ' W. L. Camp has sold out his home I and farm In Hinckley to a family from I I New Mexico. The purchasers arrived I a few days ago. We welcome them to I I our community and hope they will be ' ; satlslled with their new home. It is I reported that Mr. Camp sold his place i lor lia.OO per acre. He Is undecided whether he will move to Nephl or build , I a place here in Hinckley. ! Lumber, roin the new saw mill at , ; Swasy Mountains, is now a reality, and ! can be purc hased at The Hinckley Co-! Co-! op. It is pure red pine limber, the best quality of lumber for building corrals, barns, and fixing up around the place. Al first it was thought they would get only about one hundred thousand feet; j but it Is estimated they will get at I least three hundred thousand feet. The herders from T. W. Jones' sheep herd were In alter supplies the other day. They report that the range Is very good; except that there was not any snow. i |