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Show LIVE STOCK NOTES. Give a little tail to the stock once a week. S'ock of all kinds should be looked to daily by the fanner Hogs of all description, and especially espe-cially brood sows, thou'd not be allowed al-lowed to become constipated. The man who has had no expert ence with begs thould start with tine chalce brood sow. Sheep are somewhat different from cattle on feed ami vastly different from hrgs. Ihe lartiier making a business of breeding draft horses always has plet ;ty of teams to do his work Py all means reject the close built sow or gilt tint Is good to W.-ok at. hut has no stretch or sl?e An accumulation of manure In the sheep she.) Is liot net tled to k ep t!- sheep warm Don't ll rget to give the flock plenty of fie b air and t xi nl-e dur I i k 'he co'd wtatht r. There are a gnat mrny types. Put u t: i.e 1 i d in thoual be h,.l t I g. wl;!i p'tnty of room to arry a t ii !l;ter. A siec'al b:si;:es of lh l.-aft h r is to haul tie V y ! ads and ilo heavy wt.rk at s'ow 1 1 1 !. SMug'h ts th first chic i, r;:Mon. A pair ! hi r-s to-'cl l g front 1 tu ) ij l.reu puur.ds evch are heavy f,. ::gh for nt,)' kind of larm wotk. 1 i.t mary farmers irtier a horse wl'tt mote !ght It Is surprlt l:g how much depends t n the thape and carriage of a horse, even an ordinary ork horse, espas nally wht-a you want him to do a lit t pleasuring with once In a mtl.e |