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Show THE BATTLESHIP UTAH , Ui 'r-' VVV? -U:V..4li . ,. ..I . ,m-- ln. . 4 - . . Dl - r- - tri A' , '' ' " X - t if l " Vn ' i - . i v f- ' i U 1 " ' " i id , lifcutywi. linn ', . .tJ. -y n' , mA. iii-w.'.M.iwiai ml t7 Salt Lake City. The battleshl.i "I'tali." launched at Camden, New , Jers.y, Itecemher 2:1, limit, Is it vessel of Ihe Dreadiiuuglit type, fill) feet long, M feet wid" Bud displaces 2I.K-.1 tons, with a draft of 1!N feet fi Inches. ! Her armament Is composed of ten 12 Inch guns, tlxteen 5-Inch guns and the usual small calibre guns. She has two 21 Inch submorgeu rurpetin tubes, , The vessel will be propelled by Parsons Par-sons turbines, being the tlrst I'nlted Statts battleship with this type of machines and she will burn fill fuel In i connection with coil Sin has tu usual complement of oTlccnt and nun and Is lilte.l up. In every respect, aicottling to the customary practice of the I'niti d States navy. The "I'tah" will he, when placed In lommissli n. the l,trg"st vessel com I pit ti d for the I'liit.-d Stat.s navy, and ; will have a speed or about 21 kimts A patriotic custom has been ful-' ful-' lowed by the several stales of tie I'lilon In whose honor l:i'lleshl;i-t have ! been named, of providing the vessel j wl'h a silver service. Tin cost of ! these Services has ranged from live tit twenty live thou-and dollars. The funds for purchasing the same have I been raisetl In the several states In the pride f the officers and crew of I "I'tah," and a credit t.t the state. I The silver service which has been' awdected by the committee, consists , of about one hundred an 1 thirty i p'eres. On the larger pieces of the service, scenes typical of I'tah s nn-' nn-' tursl scenery and n soureo, as well ( as those which are of a historical in-ture, in-ture, will be engrave.) Anion the i.'her vessels in this respect, a conv mil tee having been appointed to secure se-cure a silver service which will be serlplluiiH by the vuilu::s ci.it- ui the slates. The ' I'tah'' will not he behind lint various ways -by legislative appropriation, appro-priation, private subscription, and suit-larger suit-larger engravings will be a scene rep-leseiiMtig rep-leseiiMtig pioneer and modem means of transportation, the artists having selected lor this purpose the pioneer i v team and the modern palatial s'eam train crossing the l.ucln Cutoff; Plack Itork at (infield, showing the lake :n the dlst ili'e; a composite picture pic-ture of a mining camp; Pioneer Monument, Monu-ment, and a iiunile-r of typical I'tah mounlaiii scenes The twenty seven I ii ii . )i cups wlrch go with Ihe punch sendee will bear scenes typical of the twenty seven count hs of ihe state, and each indhiluil cup will bear a legend setting forth In a few words, the resources of the county It represents repre-sents Practhally all of the counties coun-ties h ive I. s; . tided to the committees' commit-tees' invl'a'1,11 lor suggestions and the collection of photographs will convey a tpblidid I lea of the diversified diversi-fied products anil resources of th slate. All tlii clt lens of I'tah have been, or will be, given an opportunity t 'contribute to this silver service for the battleship I'tah, which Is to nav lis trial trip In the near future. Even the school children are to contribute tloir mite, so that the men and women of the future may have a real Interest In Ihe great war vessel ! named for th" st ite of I'tah. I |