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Show Vocal duct; Mr. Had Mm. Kmest CtiilltiK. Voiiiik ladies chorus.: Vera Ilrutison and company. Prayer, J. H. Olios. Sports to be arranged. Orand liall. Francis Whicker, secretary of tin committee. Committees appointed to arrutiKe Fourth of July celebration: General J Frank Day, Francis Whicker, Maurice Lambert, licit KlnK, Sarah Anderson. Decoration (ieorgo Kowley, Joseph llurton, John Starley. Frank Kuhiiius-m Kuhiiius-m n, Lorenzo Ilrunson, Vllate Franmp-lon. Franmp-lon. Ilert Trlmbue, Mary Day, Will Kits-iniiH.seii. Kits-iniiH.seii. This committee requests that every home In town be decorated with national na-tional colors. Sports Andrew Anderson, Ilert Kin?. Kd Trimble, Howard Small, Proctor Proc-tor Itoblson. ALL THE NEWS OF FILLMORE mat the Editor has Corralled in hij Weekly Round-up of the Twa Tin' "wrtn" are Ix'lnnlnB to wake ii), as tlii following doilcr hIhh wtili'li are Ix-Ihk hhII''I hiouiiiI I li ? town: "Don't full lo hear Hon. .lolin (J. Crltchlow who Kni-iikH on the moral wroiiK of jirohlMtion In Ihe city hall TluiiHilay, June 21!ml al K j. in. ICvery-body ICvery-body welcome." Saturday afti'inoon the heavy rain canned gulte a Hood from the foothills and torrent", of water rushed down through Jamen HwiiIIow'h place, the Velio iilace and Kd. llartholomew'H, dolliK Home damage to all. It lit salil these Hoods are caused from the Kreat uinount of land that was cleared off lust Hummer east of the city by burning the brush, etc., leaving Holding Hold-ing to hold the water back. MIhh Fern llartholoim-w came down from the North Friday lo visit with her uncle Kd. for the Hummer. She has been attending school In Salt Lake tho nst winter. Airs. Christine Kagan, who h.is been 111 for several years, ami who has been In the l'rovo mental hospital the past two years, died In that Institution last Thursday, and her body was brought to Fillmore Sunday 'afternoon by her husband. Funeral Hcrvlecs were held here Tuesday nl'ternoon. Her husband, hus-band, Mr. John Kagan, and two children child-ren survive her. Farmers report the rains last week greatly helped crops, especially the ( dry grain. Carl Cooper, who runs the Stevens farm, nouli of Fillmore, siijs the rah- bits uie doing him more d image than , the sipiirrels. There Is plenty of good rabbit hunting all around the reservoir i country. Klei Hon Is next Tuesday. Many ex- pect to see Fillmore voted dry by a i largo majority. t A new arrival came to the home nf Lars Hasmiissen Mond ly morning. It Is a girl and mother ami child are j iloing line. We expect lo see, after the election, line or two more drug stores start up in Fillmore. As one of our good cltl-.ens cltl-.ens rem.iiked: "It makes little tllf- i ference the amount of medicine sold- . lis the booze that Is sold that brings In . the money." , Ken Itowley who has been working . in Snake Valley for omc time past , arrived homo last week with the Idea -if maying for a while. I'eaches, apples and pears will be . plentiful In Fillmore this year, ho report re-port the orchard!!. Counly Siiperinlciidt nt Ashman in-'orms in-'orms ns that according to recent apportionment ap-portionment made by Slate Superln- . endeiit Nelson, Millard County Is entitled en-titled to the following free scholar- . jhips at the I'lilversily of I'tah: In the econdary training Kchoid of the School f Kdiication, first year, one; second rear, one.; third year one. Id the ollege department of the School of Kducntlon, three. Students having completed the eighth grade are eligible ror entrance to the first year of the secondary Training School. Students having completed first .year High School are eligible for entrance to aee-Diid aee-Diid year. Students having completed ' necond year High School arc eligible 1 for entrance to third year. Students having completed fourth year High 1 School are eligible for entrance to the rollege department. ' Millard Counly students desiring ap- 1 poititiuctit to any of these ncholartihipH ' Khould confer at once with the County ' Superintendent of Schools. ' Hon. Jas. V. Knblson had the nils- I fortune to drop a large pole on hi ' toes a few days ago, which required ' Ihe services of tho doctor, and gave Mr. Itoblson considerable pain Je- I rildes confining hliu to the house. i Some Salt Lake men were here ' Sunday looking over their Investments lu dry land near the reservoir. They ' have several sections down there, and 1 iippeansl to be well pleased with the Mitlook for dry farming In Millard. "It ' looks g(Md to us." was their verdict. Program for July Fourth. ' Following Is the program for the 1 Fourth at Fillmore. I'eople from other ' towns will be welcome. ' Citizens' parade. Soldier Will Payne, 1 Marshal. To begin at 9:30 a. in. below tho bridge. Kach carriage to have one ' rote In deciding which home Is most lpproprlately decorated. Public Services. Public program, Daniel Stevens, master of ceremonies. At 2 o'clock p. in., ward chapel. Music by the band. 1 I'rayer by Almon I. Itoblson. Quartette, Quar-tette, Uert Trlmblo and company. 1 ;ratlon. Will lUsmussen. Violin solo, ( DavlJ Smith. Song, Ceneva Kelly. Patriotic recitation, Josie Melville. ' String band. Raymond Taylor and com- 1 any. Vocal duet. Cliff Ashman and tompany. Toast "The Pioneer In the Revolution." Will Starley. Toast: "The Women of the Revolution," Revolu-tion," May Stevens. t Toast: "John Paul Jones." Henry t Katton. |