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Show ill HUH IDAHO DEPUTY SHERIFF AND RAILWAY CONDUCTOR SHOT DOWN BY TWO BANDITS. Officer Was After Men for Robbing Saloon and Asked Conductor to Assist As-sist In Making Arrest When Men Were Found on Train. Poratcllo. Malm - While attempting to arrest two iiu-ii who In-Ill up a sa-loon sa-loon at Mnui,l:i, Mom , Deputy Sheriff Milton find Cnii. Iiii lor Kldd were probably prob-ably fatallv wounded early Saturday morning on Dn-pm Short Line traiu No 4, near lle.;h Hi i ! t-Idaho Two men M , n ;, ,t -alotiii at, Moui-dii, Moui-dii, on the Idaho Montan i linn, and boarded tin- passenger I'.dn which hail Just arrived Word ,ih wired to orii- CeiS III Spencer, t Weill) Illlh'S this Side of .Moniita. Tlcy boarded the irnin at Spencer and inipilred of Con lin tor Kill where i lie men were who pit un at Moniila KliM poind il out the men silting In the Mini! in:; coinpat I llieiit of the dl) coach Mill on cull, d up hi Kldd in ;i m s I s I in making tin ancst, inul rut fled tin- men Willi his Kim- Hi laid IiIh till a -1 . 1 . to tii-li'ii on the hand lift's when one o! tin- 1 1 1 - t grabbed the gun Mid s!M iii official twice, once lliiouvh i n- looa-,1 anil once through lie- lower pait of the alido men. The lio n ni-lied lioni tin- smoking compartment ii:m- ihcir gnus ami Intimidating In-timidating the passeni; i s, pulled the hell coid, brought the train In a mop and mailt' their crape into the sagebrush sage-brush couiilry. Word wan H'lit to u nearby I, nu ll and a posse ol cowboys took up the trail al once, and It Is bo lieved the bandits will he captured. |