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Show USED TO KIDNAPING : Among the happy liftie folks that are spending their mornings on the beach at Newport this summer is little Leonora Felicia Gizycka, the eight-year-old daughter of Countess Gizycka, formerly Eleanor Patterson of Chicago and Washington. Miss Gizycka was the principal In a series of kidnapings in Europe after the separation of her mother and father, fa-ther, the Countess and Count Gizycka. The couple separated after a few stormy years of marital unhapplness. Then followed a series of sensational kidnapings in Europe. First the count kidnaped his daughter, then the countess kidnaped her and finally, when the child came Into her mother's hands, site fled to America. Few children chil-dren have had such au exciting career as the little countess. At one time It was through the efforts of Medill Mc-Cormlck Mc-Cormlck that an order was obtained from the czar for the return of the child to her mother. It is said that the countess, the little girl's mother, lives in dread that her daughter maybe may-be again kidnaped and taken to Europe, Eu-rope, but the young lady seems to have no foreboding and- is noted for her merry disposition aud-love of tun. |