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Show UTAH LEGISLATIVE GOSSIP Happenings In Both Branches of Ninth General Assembly. The introduction oi four bills, twe measures reported upon favorably, tin passing of two bills after long drawn-out drawn-out debates, and the presentation of eight petitions constituted the senate proceedings Tuesday. Senator Williams' Wil-liams' bill relating to the reinstatement reinstate-ment of corporations was passed, as was Iverson'a till lncrcs-'.ng the terra j of the state chemist from two to four j years and making his salary $2,000 a year. lly a vote of twenty to nineteen, tho bill Introduced by Representative Representa-tive F. L. Hines. providing for a military mili-tary poll tax, was killed on tho floor of the house on Friday. A bill authorizing the Utah state conservation commission to dlrcet a geological survey of the state was Introduced In-troduced by Seiintir kink Tuesday. To carry on the work an appropriation appropria-tion of $2,000 annually, or as much within that limit as may bo needed, L asked for. A petition signed by 160 farmers of Cache county, requesting the legislature leg-islature to enact a law prohibiting the wilUul entry upon another's land, was submitted to the house on Friday. Fri-day. Saloons will be forced to close at 11 o'clock Instead oi i o'clock at night ' In the future if a recommendation, favored by the members of tho special I liquor committee) of both houses of i the Btato legislature, Is acted upon - favorably by the legislature when the : matter comes up for final action. During the week ending Saturday i February 11. seventy six bills were Introduced, thirty six In the senate and forty in the house. The senate r passed eight measure and the house t approved twenty four. , Three measurers of iiTSrtance met - with approval lu bth houses last week. They were the capltol bill, an ftel to create a permanent fund for the state university, the agricultural - college and the state normal school - nd a bill by Speaker K. W. Robinson - making an appropriation for the agrl- cultural college gymnasium. If tho bill is approved by the governor, gov-ernor, Senator 8. J. Stookcy'a measure mea-sure to creat a fund for the maintenance main-tenance of three state educational liv I stltutlons will relievo the legislature P of making biennial appropriations. The Institutions to be benefited are I the state university, the agricultural J college and the tit ate normal school ' at Cedar City. II Governor Spry ha approved a bill s by Senator O. J. Klly which gives ' titles of the third class tho right to 3 Increase their Indebtedness to eight 0 perxsjjt of the assessed valuation t' taxable property for Urn purport "of ' making Improvements. The house on Saturday, Feruary 11 1 passed bills providing for an additional 1 judge for the Fourth Judicial district; " for the closing of all places of anum inents on Sunday, except in cases of ctlties and villages receiving tho petition peti-tion of 51 per cent of the voters that 9 moving picture shows and theatres be permitted to remain oen; for the 1 increase in the snlnrle of probate judge and county treasurers; for the making of October 12. "Columbus day.".a legal holiday; and for ths appropriation ap-propriation of 20,0i0 iu bonds for the ' construction of a stale road from Boise to the Payette lakes. Two bills were passed and two f were killed at Saturday mornings ses-slon ses-slon of the lower house of the bgts-j bgts-j lature. The most Important measure ,. passed was house bit No. 117, by ,. Ziemer, creating a stale board of vet-I vet-I ulnary medical examiners, three In t number, to be appointed by tho governor. gover-nor. The other measure passed was the Neheker bill, which abolishes the commission of three of Indian war reo-r reo-r ords. and names the adjutant general Y of the National Guard of Utah s com n mlsslouer of Indian war records. i The measures killed were the Wei-u Wei-u ling bill, appropriated 12.000 for the I distribution to farmei s, by the expert s nient station of Agriculture, of agrl-t agrl-t cultural bulletins and other like Information, Infor-mation, and the bill exempting users of wide tires on vehicles from the payment pay-ment of poll tax. ii Five new bills were introduced Is ;, the house on Saturday. i H preventative .Morris of Washing n ton county says that his county Is la " ne-d of three brldgPM, ami he has In-d In-d trod need a bill In the houno appropriating appropri-ating $0,500 for their construction. ( All treating is to be barred by the proposed bill for the regulation of the liquor traffic, now under consideration by the special committee of the senate and the houso appointed to draft s 0 measure on the liquor question. II House Joint memorial No. 4, whlca was Itttmduced in the house Saturday by Mr. Harshberg'T, memorializes the congress of the United States to build- I. a highway from Greta River to the natuial bridge regions of San Juan cu-inty. and asks for the appropriates s of $ .0,000 fur the purpose. ' Three measure were introduced la 1 the Hate on Friday and seven la the house. Among the bills passed by the I house on Friday were Stookey s bill estab!lh!ng a permanent fund for t the University of Utah. Branch Nor-t Nor-t mat school and Agrcultural college. I A measure by llarshberger, relating to mineral entires la public lands. A bill by Farasworth relating to the rutting of geen timber on pubtlt i lands. An act (by Sanderson) an- thorlilng cities of the third class t ; levy a ( mill tax for lighting purpos- - es. A till by Dablqulst, governing :he awarding of premiums st ths state fair. |