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Show ie I Food flavor the egg. Dry house prevent roup. Too much raw meat produces " worms. ' The first essential In the production !Jj o' i r-s I the health of the hen, ie I'oor drainage In the chicken yard i ' always results In unhealthy birds, e j Feeding cannot be properly n gu-lt gu-lt lated when a mixed flock of large and t ; small fowls are kept. The orchard Is a splendid place for poultry to range In. Poultry Is a ' very good Inst i t destroyer. ! it would be a good thing to move v' I (lie poultry yards occasionally g:virg j u.e bens new. ilian srouud to livo i ou. ! With )ou!ig chi ks there Is as much i danger of ovt ri edit.g ma liliderferd- M llig. Feid old-11 lilld rKiliily, iu kl ad of too much at i lie im. "j The south Mope of a bill makes a h tpteiidid location for a ou!try house. W . i he rioith and west siJ-s are list-li list-li ally protected froai the colj w ind. In some places clikkens are pur rn i h:.K-d. l oiitnii d snd finished for mar rt ki t en milk and ground fe d. th s milk constitutug the larger portion of the diet. y- Save all the grain. urh as kaffir. re inllo. sorghum, broom corn seed, mlb n let seed. etc.. for poultry It Is oft-r oft-r en difficult to get a variety of food for fowl duitrc winter. |